Part One of One

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Going to apologise in advance, I'm writing this on my phone and limiting myself to an hour for writing, so it does end suddenly.
Also, I've never written fan-fic but wanted to try write something fun, kind of wholesome (also 100% possible, it's a real place) and hopefully something you won't actually hate, even though that's kind of the point.

The boys were tired, they'd been touring for weeks selling out most of their shows.
It was time to unwind a bit and to do some exploring of the city they were in. (After all they were cultured individuals)

Awsten wanted to see some animals so they went to the zoo.
While looking at the koalas Awsten complained that they were too far away to touch, overhearing his lamenting a random stranger told them of a wildlife park a couple of hours drive away where you can pet and interact with lots of different Australian animals including koalas.
The boys didn't even think twice, they were in.

The next day they arrived at the park bright-eyed and bushy tailed, eager for a day of  being up close and personal with multiple creatures.
It was a clear day and the weather was a lovely warm twenty seven degrees (I'm in Australia, it's celsius)

First activity of the day was a photo-op with a wombat.
As they entered the wombat and friends hall Geoff's attention was immediately stolen buy an apricot coloured possum that was scampering on a tree at the end of the hall, he walked right past the python, the kookaburra and a weird looking tiny creature that was on a lead.
The fluffy possum absolutely delighted Geoff, he spent about ten minutes watching it run around and eating.

Awsten's first goal was the wombat, he wanted that picture.
When he got to the front of the line he was taken aback by just how large and solid the wombat was, it was like a barrel with four stubby legs.
Sitting next to the handler he asked if he was allowed to pet it and gave an involuntary excited squeal when given permission, the coarseness of it's fur took him by surprise.
He got his pats and photos and went to find Otto.

Otto was with the birds, trying to get the cockatoo to say hello.
"Dude, do you even know if can talk or are you just talking at the poor thing?"questioned Awsten
"No it totally talks, it said 'hello sexy' to that person over there" he answered sounding kind of disappointed.
Awsten laughed at Otto, and started taking to the birds with him.
Telling them they're so pretty, within about thirty seconds the bird said hello to Awsten making him laugh even more.
He decided to leave Otto to it, knowing he was stubborn enough to stay their until the bird spoke to him.
Turning around he saw Geoff standing there with a large snake draped over his arms and an employee taking a photo with Geoff's phone for him.
"Geoff buddy, I don't mean to alarm you, but you have a big bloody snake wrapping itself around you." Awsten said, feeling the grin spread across his face as he spoke.
They spent another ten minutes looking at the rest of the animals in the hall, afterwards they met back up outside the hall and spoke amongst themselves about what to do next, the checked the time, still another hour until the koala meet and greet.
Geoff was getting impatient waiting for a decision to be made and started bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Awsten and Otto  simultaneously exclaimed
When they entered the kangaroo enclosure they were amazed by the amount of kangaroos and wallabies just hopping around or sitting in the shade, as they headed towards the nearest roo to them they were stopped and told the kangaroos and wallabies on that side of the rope fence were to be left alone, they go over there when they've had enough of people, but all the others were fine to interact with.
They picked another kangaroo to go pet, as Geoff sat next to one laying in the shade it rested its head against him and then started chewing on his shirt.
It took Geoff a few moments to realise his shirt was being munched on and there was now a hole the size of a twenty cent coin.
Otto came over with cups of food for the marsupials and told him to feed that instead .
"Nudity is against the law here dude" he finished.
Awsten was busy taking about a hundred selfies with different kangaroos and wallabies and just living his best life.

It was finally time for the reason they made the trip, getting to meet a koala.
They followed signs to the koala area and when they joined the surprisingly long queue they noticed Geoff was no longer with them.
While they were debating whether or not they should go looking for him or stay in line so they can pet the koala Geoff came up to them holding a box of chips shovelling them into his mouth.
He slapped Otto's hand away while telling him to get his own.
Awsten was too busy staring at the koalas awaiting his turn to care about who had cooked potato sticks and who didn't.

He finally got to stand next to the koala and was only slightly heartbroken that he couldn't hold it but he was allowed to pat it and it was liking touching a soft fluffy cloud.

As they left the park they commented how it was a really good day.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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