Things That I Miss

Depuis le début

You'll always be on my list

Of all the good things that I miss

When I finished the song everyone clapped and cheered, and I smiled and thanked them before getting off of the stage and running to the bathroom to let the tears fall finally. As I splashed some water in my face I hear the door open, and my heart stopped, I knew exactly who it was.

"Hi" I heard her whisper and I just turned around and jumped into her arms, making her gasp but she hugged me back and we cried in each others arms for awhile. She had left me 5 years ago, wanting to become an actress and I supported her with every choice she made, I loved her more than anything ever, and I think I will never be able to love anyone or anything as much as I loved her.

I finally decide to pull away after awhile, and when I did I looked into her beautiful sparkling eyes and grinned. "Hi Sarah..." I say softly and chew on my lip, she immediately notices it and shakes her head a little, making me stop. It has always been a nervous habit, she used to kiss me to get me to stop, but she obviously couldn't do that now.

"I uh, I liked the song..." she says and fidgets slightly, but she still has that perfect smile on her face. "Um.... Thank you, it didn't take me long to write." she chuckled a little and scrunched her nose. "It's really good. Do you... really have a... lover?" she asks awkwardly, and I swallow harshly and nod. "Yes.. A girlfriend. Her names Mina." I say and pull out my phone to show her the picture on my home screen, it was Mina sleeping peacefully in our bed, her long red hair covering her pillow and the white comforter covering her body. She looked so precious, I couldn't help but take a picture. I smiled widely as I show Sarah the picture and she smiles and tilts her head a little. "She is really... beautiful." she says and I can only nod and blush a little.

"What about you?... Do you have anyone?" I asked nervously and she nods slowly, "Yes, I have a girlfriend too. Her name is Holland." She says and takes her phone out to show me a picture of a beautiful older woman smiling big at what looks like a restaurant. "Wow Sarah... She's so pretty." I say and smile at her. It's her turn to blush and she giggles. "Yea, we've been together for about 2 years now.." she says and then the conversation sort of dies and we just look into each others eyes.

I feel like we are back in time, five years ago when we would lay in bed at night and just stare into each others eyes. We wouldn't even touch each other sometimes, we wouldn't cuddle while we looked into each others eyes, but we enjoyed looking at each other. It had turned into a game eventually, like a staring contest almost, we would try to be the last one to fall asleep. I always won, she was the one who had a job and was always busy, so she was worn out by the end of the day. Sometimes I would tease her about falling asleep first, but I couldn't deny that I loved watching her sleep almost as much as I loved watching her while she was awake.

After some time of just looking at each other, I sighed and bit my lip trying to fight the tears that were stinging my eyes. Suddenly we both turn our heads towards the door when we hear it open with a creak. "Sarah... We have to go..." Amanda says and smiles at me before looking back at Sarah. "Holland's waiting for us at the house." She stated and Sarah only sighed and nodded in response. "I'll be out in just a minute." She says and Amanda understands and shuts the door behind her, leaving just the two of us again.

I'm looking down at my hands and then I see Sarah take one and hold it with hers, tightly. "Y/n, I will remember who you were to me back then, forever. You will always be the one thing I miss the most, ever. You are going to do so good in life, you already are. That song... means so much to me, and it's something I will cherish and listen to, for the rest of my life. I'm so happy we've moved on, although it still hurts sometimes that I don't have you anymore..." she trails off and as she's speaking I look into her eyes and see them well up. I lift the hand she wasn't holding and rest it on her soft warm cheek. "You still have me. You always will. Just.. as a friend, but I'm still here." I say softly and then pull my phone out of my pocket, handing it to her. She smiles widely and immediately puts her number in, and I make a mental note to text her tonight so she has my number. When she's finished she hands me the phone and I put it back in my pocket before opening my arms for her. "I love you Sarah." I can't help but whisper it in her ear, and I was being honest, I still love her, but I know if I said it she would understand that it was a different love than what we used to have, it was more platonic now. "I love you too, Y/n." she whispers back and we stay in a tight embrace for a few more minutes, taking in each others warmth and scents before we pull away.

She wipes her cheeks and chuckles lightly as she looks at me with her bright smile. "Well, I need to go, but.. text me later? Maybe Holland and I could go out with you and Mina for dinner sometime? I would love to meet her." she says and I smile widely. "Of course, I'll talk to you tonight. Now go, before Mandy drags you out by your hair." I say and giggle, Amanda's patience was always short, we both knew that. Sarah giggles too and her eyes crinkle, making my heart flutter, just like back then. "Alright, I'm gone. Goodbye for now, Y/n." She says and makes her way to the bathroom door, walking out and leaving me in the bathroom by myself. I look in the mirror, shaking my head and chuckling in disbelief, my makeup was ruined but I had a wide grin. I was my face up and then giggle to myself in the mirror. I finally got to see her smile again.

Sᴀʀᴀʜ Pᴀᴜʟsᴏɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ OɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant