Things That I Miss

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I got my guitar tuned, the mic is now on, but I was just far enough away from it so the people around couldn't hear my deep breaths. I always do breathing exercises before I sing, just to calm my nerves and it always worked. I was at a coffee shop in the Valley today, I had actually come here a few times before just to get coffee, and it is already a pretty calm environment.

I only had about a minute until I had to start, I had chosen a song that I had recently written, it was pretty personal but I wanted to sing it in hopes that someone from a record company would hear and want to hear more of my songs.

It was time now, and I was just about to introduce myself when she walked in. I heard her laugh before I saw her, she has the most beautiful laugh, it sounds like what a warm hug feels like, comforting and it makes your heart flutter. My head snapped in her direction, she was just walking in and sitting at a table with Amanda, her best friend, and it looks like neither of them had spotted me, but that was soon to change, because I had to sing, I was getting paid for this. I took one more deep breath as I felt my nerves creep up again, but I wouldn't let them control me, I knew I could handle this. What was so difficult about seeing her again was that this song is about her, and she would definitely realize that when I sang it.

She was still talking to Amanda, her table was to the left of the small stage, but it was in the far back so she wouldn't be too close at least. I adjusted the mic a little before biting my lip a little and speaking. "Hello everyone... I'm Y/n L/n, and I am going to sing a song that is really new, I wrote it about a week ago when I was... missing someone. It's called 'Things That I Miss'. Enjoy."

When I finished talking I saw her staring at me with her mouth agape, her hand was holding onto Amanda's hand tightly and she was completely frozen, just looking at me. I looked into her eyes and smiled just a little before I began the song, strumming the guitar and humming before I sang the words.

I miss your teeth and your smile

I haven't seen them in a while

Remember when you stole that

Peace necklace from me at the store?

I looked into her eyes as I sang from the heart, and I saw her smile a little and sway slightly to the music, I know she knew exactly what I was talking about, and I wouldn't be surprised if she still had that necklace.

I miss your mom

And your dad

I miss your roommate and your cats

I've never had a kind of love like that before

And when you kissed my head

And left me in your bed to go to work

I remember feeling like

I could live right here for years

I had about fifty cents I couldn't pay your rent

But I loved you and that's all it meant to me

And when you left I was in tears

She was in tears now, we were still looking at each other, and I felt my eyes sting from fighting back the tears, I couldn't cry, I wouldn't.

But I have a lover and I have a best friend

I'm doing well and I hope you listen to this

You'll always be my first kiss

But I have a life now and I've learned my lesson

I'm growing up and doing big things for me

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