Meeting the Roommates

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Ok, so even though I don't have much motivations (7 reads or something) I'm still going to continue! Hope you guys like this chapter!


Me, Markus, and the other guy (I forgot to ask about his name.) Walked into the mansion, me and Markus with our bags in hand. 

"What's your name, anyway?" I asked.


"Oh, ok."

"I'll follow you guys to your rooms. Remember the number." We began walking, up many flights of stairs, down many halls, until we finally found two doors next to each other. 

"Evelyn, you will be staying in room number eight girls, and Markus room number eight boys. Your rooms are next to each other. Your roommates are probably in there." 

"Yea, ok, thanks, Edwin," Markus said.

I went into the room, and I was surprised. I was expecting a small hotel-like room, but it was much larger and better than that. It was still only one room, with bunk-beds, but I'm only talking about the bedroom. I closed the door, still standing there, not knowing what to do.

"Hi!" I gasped. "You must be Evelyn. I'm Krystal! Nice to meet you!" I saw a girl with platnium blond curly hair that went to her chin, icy blue eye and pale skin. She looked a bit like a cliche flight attendant, with the smile, and high cheekbones. I wonder what her power is...

"Uh, hi, Krystal. Yea, I'm Evelyn."

"I bet you want to meet your other roommates. Ther should be here soon, they were just going to ask Victor something."

"Victor? Is he the second head immortal?"

"Yea! Has Edwin already told you about immortals? Good. If there are any questions you have, ask me."

"Yea, I do have one question, but I'll ask you later. Oh! Before I forget, what's your power?"

"Ice. I know, your probably surprised, but I was rather cold before I came here, and our powers can't change,so I'm stuck with ice."

Suddenly, the door opened, and there was a really tall girl, and a really short girl.

"Hi Evelyn! I'm Liliana, but you can call me Lilly. And this is Rebekah! I've been so excited to meet you!"

"Liliana, I am capable of introducing myself."

"Rebekah is only 10, but she's more formal that pretty much anyone here, and the most emotionless." Krystal explained.

Liliana was tan, with brown eyes that looked a bit yellow. Honey brown? Her hair was brown, with yellow roots, tips, and half-hidden streaks. She was very curvy, and tall.

Rebekah was almost the opposite of Liliana. She had jet black hair, golden eyes, short, and skinny.

"What's your power, Liliana?" I asked.

"Light, most sun." I can't believe I didn't see that.

"What about you, Rebekah?" I asked.


Rebekah whispered something to Krystal. Krystal looked at me, and said, "Yea, your right." Rebekah walked out the door, going to who knows where.

"Sorry, it's kinda hard for Rebekah to open up to somebody. You know, I've never seen her talk in front of a new immortal before. That's pretty cool."Liliana said.

"Anyway,Evelyn, immortals are able to see the power of other immortals,no matter how old or new they are."

"Oh, but I couldn't see your guys' powers."

"That's because you new to this. There's just one problem."


"Neither me,Rebekah, or Liliana can see your power."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2011 ⏰

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