Moreover, this song was filled with heartfelt emotions and it gave people the urge to fall in love as soon as they listened to it.

“It is really an amazing song, Yuning. You did great. Did you write this song yourself?”

The teacher could not stop herself from applauding for Jiang Yuning after the rehearsal. However, the teacher had some doubts in her heart as she thought that the rhythm of the song seemed very familiar but she could not recall where she had heard this rhythm before.

“Yes. I composed it as a gift to someone special to me,” Jiang Yuning replied as she smiled. “So, do I still need to lip-synch tomorrow?”

The teacher smiled before she said to Jiang Yuning, “You used to be our biggest talent in the music course. Do you know that all the teachers in the music department still feel that it is such a waste whenever we think about you? That is the reason why I do not want you to be humiliated and ridiculed during the fiftieth anniversary celebration tomorrow. Since you are already an actress, I thought that you would have already forgotten and lost your music touch. Unexpectedly, your singing voice is still as beautiful as it used to be.”

“Teacher, don’t worry about me. I can face any challenges thrown my way. I am no longer the young girl who was forced to drop out of college more than five years ago.”

The other party patted Jiang Yuning on her shoulder with a relieved expression on her face. “I believe in you. I look forward to your performance tomorrow.”

However, the teacher suddenly regretted placing Jiang Yuning as the last performer tomorrow.

She was really dazzling. Even if she had not been actively making music for such a long time, Jiang Yuning was still a natural talent and she could still sing so beautifully.

After coming out of the practice room, Jiang Yuning put on a baseball cap as she prepared to leave the university. However, as she was walking along the corridor, she bumped into several students from the music course.

Jiang Yuning lowered the baseball cap to cover her face and avoid suspicion but the students recognized her immediately.

[Isn’t that Jiang Yuning? It is already the fiftieth anniversary celebration tomorrow. I really did not expect her to come for the rehearsal.]

[Hmm, if she did not come to prepare herself today, then what would she do tomorrow?]

[I heard the melody of the song coming from the practice room earlier. Somehow, the rhythm of the song sounds very familiar but I can’t seem to remember where I heard it before.]

[What is so surprising about it? It is not that strange for her to sing someone else’s song anyway.]

Therefore, the few people did not think too much about it.

They simply took a picture of Jiang Yuning’s back before posting it on the internet.

[We ran into Jiang Yuning during the rehearsal at B University.]

When the students from B University saw the news in the forum, they could not stop laughing among themselves.

[Can Jiang Yuning still sing after all this years?]

[I am afraid that I would have a headache after listening to her singing. I would rather watch her performing a handstand or something.]

[We will find out whether she is a mule or a horse tomorrow.]

[If you want to see a joke, then tune in to the anniversary celebration tomorrow.]

The Ginger Candies did not know that their idol was being mocked and made fun of because this time, the news did not circulate around the Internet.

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