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Nicole cruched over to Miguel's room and sat down in the chair beside his bed

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Nicole cruched over to Miguel's room and sat down in the chair beside his bed.

"Hey, buddy, it's me, Nicole. I'm not really sure how we ended up here or why you're in a coma and I can barely remember anything. The last time I remember seeing you was when we were roller skating. No one will tell me what's going on. Everyone keeps saying that they can't tell me what's going on and that I have to remember on my own, but I just...How do I do that? God, I miss you so much. Whoever or whatever put you in this position, well, they can go right to hell." Nicole spoke.

She sighed, wishing Miguel could hear her. She'd spent a few days in the hospital, the doctors watching her, making sure her concussion went away. She had also fractured her ankle and sprained her wrist, so she was in a cast on both her foot and her wrist. The worst part for Nicole was not remembering. She could care less about her ankle or her wrist or anything else, she just wanted to know what the hell was going on.

"Boo!" Someone exclaimed in the doorway.

Nicole looked over and saw Courtney and Moon. She smiled and stood up with her crutches, hobbling over.

"Hey, guys." Nicole smiled.

"Hey, you. Guess who's leaving the hospital and going home?" Courtney smirked.

"Ooh, I don't know. Is it Moon?" Nicole raised her eyebrows.

"No...Guess again." Moon giggled.

Nicole laughed along with the other two girls, then looked over at Miguel one last time.

"Poor Miggy. I can't believe it." Courtney shook her head.

"I know. What happened was awful." Moon sighed.

Nicole looked back to the girls, looking between them, trying to see if they'd talk about what happened to Miguel, but she could tell that they wouldn't.

"Girls, Nicole's all checked out you can start grabbing her stuff if you want." Amanda informed.

"Okay." Moon nodded.

Courtney and Moon went to Nicole's room to collect all of her things and Nicole took one last look at Miguel.

"I'll be back soon, Miggy." She half-smiled, then cruched out of her room.

"Your father and I have to head to the school, but the girls will take you home." Amanda said.

Nicole nodded and Amanda kissed her on her head.

"Come on, Cole, let's go before you become the CEO of the hospital." Courtney joked.

Nicole rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh, following Courtney and Moon out of the hospital, still not knowing why she was there in the first place.


Nicole let out a shaky breath as she entered the school with Courtney, the blonde picking her up.

It took her a bit to get through security because of the crutches, but was able to get through.

When she was finally through, she looked over and saw Hawk standing with Mitch and Bert. They caught each other's blue eyes for a moment, a pang of guilt striking Hawk when he saw her arm and her crutches, him blinking a few times.

A group of girls walked by and Hawk grabbed their attention.

"Hey, ladies. I know freshman year can be kinda scary. If anybody gives you any trouble, just come to
me. I'm the guy—." Hawk started.

"Who wets the bed and got knocked into those computers?" The brunette asked.

Hawk swallowed and clenched his jaw, feeling guilty again.

"Yeah, we know."

They then walked away and said hi to Demetri as he walked by with Nate and Chris.

Nicole furrowed her eyebrows, confused about what the girl had said about the computers.

"Ugh, ignore that asshole. If anyone will be getting any girls this year, it certainly won't be Hawk." Courtney shook her head.

"How do they know that Hawk used to wet the bed? And when did he get knocked into computers?" Nicole asked Courtney.

She opened her mouth to answer, but then closed it.

"I...Look, Councilor Blatt is talking to them!" Courtney nervously giggled and walked forward.

Nicole rolled her eyes and cruched forwards, following Courtney.

Moon and Yasmine had entered the hallway through different doors, someone calling Yasmine "front wedgie."

"What happened to this place? I go to Paris for one summer and the losers are running the school?" Yasmine cringed.

"I'd be a little nicer. Half the kids in school know karate now." Moon replied.

"Does that make Aisha queen bitch?" Yasmine asked.

"You didn't hear? After the fight her parents moved her to a private school. They even put their house up for sale." Moon answered.

"At least there's some good news." Yasmine muttered.

"Peachy, this morning, aren't we?" Courtney asked when they got to the two other girls.

"Hey." Moon gave her a small kiss.

"Hi." Courtney smiled.

"I forgot you two were dating now. Now I understand why you always called her hot." Yasmine rolled her eyes. "And Nicole. Your body seems...broken. What happened to you?"

"I have no idea. One minute I'm roller skating and the next, I wake up in the hospital with a concussion, memory loss and a fractured wrist and ankle. Now, the school year has started and you're back...yay..."
Nicole trailed off.

"And we're not supposed to tell her anything. Doctor's orders." Moon added.

They continued walking, but slowly this time, so Nicole could keep up.

"And why's that?" Yasmine furrowed her eyebrows.

"Because she's supposed to remember on her own."

"And they don't want me to be forced to remember anything, so I'm stuck doing it all by myself." Nicole sighed.

"But you'll remember. Just with a little patience and time, you'll remember." Moon nodded.

"Yeah." Nicole agreed, but she didn't feel fully convinced.

Maybe, she would remember, but at that moment, she felt that it would be impossible.

I know this is shorter than usual, but yay, first chapter of Season 3!

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