"Where do we find it?" I hesitantly ask.

"The Inumaki Establishment." -Shoko

The Inumaki's? Out of all the places why there?! I'm sure they would be so devastated upon my arrival. They'll never forget...

They'll never let go of the past.
They'll always mourn over her....


I was standing at the gates of the entrance to the Inumaki's Establishment. It was large and almost looked like a mansion if it weren't for the tiny houses surrounding it, making it look like a little town. The limit to my knowledge was knowing that the Inumaki's ancestors were rewarded for their skills in battle and having a person from their bloodline known as Tohru's protector which lead them to thrive in a time where evil used to rule.

I rang the buzzer at the gate and awaited to be noticed. A few minutes later the gate automatically opened and introduced me to a pathway leading to the main house of the Inumaki's. Though the Inumaki's were rich there were only a few of them left.

Ok. I can do this...I just gotta ask them for the Henbane....but how?
I can't just randomly ask for it-
Why the heck couldn't Gojo do this sht. They'll want me to stay back for tea and then tell me the entire story about somehow their family's ancestors and mine were similar. Tohru this Tohru that and Haruki this Haruki that. Who even are these people? Like I care, I just want the Henbane so I'll make this quick.

I walked up to the main house and rapped on the door. I was greeted by a teenager who looked like y/n's age and he gestured for me to come in.

"Uhm I would like to speak to Izumi Inumaki..." I told the kid in front of me. I had never seen him before when I came but he looked so familiar.

I was sitting, waiting for him or Izumi to return but got carried away at the sight of the indoor pond they had in the center of the house. I walked up to it and couldn't help but admire it and it's clear waters.

"Hello Ryuko" I heard the voice of a woman coming from behind me. It was her. I turned around to face a woman who had a huge scar across her face.

"What brings you here...?" She asked in a shaky tone. She looked at me with judging eyes then took a seat nearest to the pond.

"I was sent by Shoko to get Henbane." - Ryuko

"And why would Shoko need something so poisonous?" Izumi questioned with a raised brow.

"I need it...for Y/n." When I said that I saw the kid behind her focusing his attention on me now.

"She's injured and unconscious right now and the Henbane is the only thing that can help her so please...can we have some?" Just thinking of her in that unconscious state made me want to cry. The pain she must've went through....

I saw Izumi whispering something to Toge before he walked off and I suspected it was to get the herb. She looked over at me and then began to mutter something under her breath over and over.

"History will repeat itself."
"History will repeat itself."
"History will repeat itself."

Just then the kid came back with what looked like the herbs wrapped up in cloth. Before I could take it he pulled back and stared directly into my eyes.

"Are you really Y/n's mother? Is it actually true?" I was surprised when he started to question me. He held onto the herbs and wouldn't hand it over.

"Yes it's all true, now I don't know why you're asking me this but please just hand over the herb." I was getting more agitated as precious time was being wasted.

"I'm coming with you." The kid said and caught me off guard.

"You're what? Do you even know y/n?" -Ryuko

"I'm her classmate, Toge." He said with as he still held onto the herbs.

"Why do you want to come? I'll just tell her you send best wishes—" he cut me off and spoke louder in a serious tone.

"I'm coming with you." He once again said and I just had to agree because he was the one holding onto the herb.


We were in the car on our way back to Jujutsu tech. Toge was still holding the herb but looked more worried than before.

"I'm guessing you're her close friend?" I asked him out of curiosity. She never spoke of her friends but did mention a boy once...

"Well...I sit next to her in class." He bluntly replied, then added, "I also saved her from the demon."

Was this the kid she was talking about? The one she asked me if I saw...? They're just friends so it's ok.

"So you're the kid she asked about." I chuckled, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

When we got there, both Shoko and Gojo were waiting and they looked confused when they saw Toge.

"What's he doing here?" Gojo asked.

"He said they're classmates." I responded to him then followed behind Shoko to where Y/n was.

Toge handed Shoko the herbs and went next to y/n's body then backed away to sit down. Shoko crushed the leaves and flowers together then added something before putting it on her wound. Her eyes shot open and she began to scream as the mixed herbs came in contact with her flesh. I quickly went by her side and grabbed her hands to comfort her. Her eyes observed me then fell to the person behind me. A single word escaped from her lips before she lost consciousness again.


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