A short while later, Vera called Jiang Yuning once again. “Xiya Hotel has already sent two of their representatives from their public relations department over to the company to personally discuss the public relations matter with Director Shen Yichen. Would you like to come over?”

“I will come over now,” Jiang Yuning replied immediately. “See you at the meeting later.”

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yuning quickly put on a dress before she drove to Guangying Media by herself. Although the members of the media and the paparazzi were gathering right outside the entrance of Guangying Media, they did not dare to forcefully approach Jiang Yuning because Shen Yichen had already made all the necessary arrangements and stationed bodyguards at the entrance of the building to protect Jiang Yuning.

However, Jiang Yuning’s arrival subsequently caused a heated argument amongst employees of Guangying Media.

“Our company, Guangying Media, has recently been in the headlines a couple of times solely because of Jiang Yuning. Before she joined the company, we never did face this kind of problems in the past.”

“Since her biological father has already died, isn’t it already predictable that she would look for a godfather instead?”

Jiang Yuning completely ignored everything that she heard the employees gossiping about as she walked into the company building but as soon as she heard someone mentioning her biological father, she walked right up to the front desk and removed her sunglasses and hat immediately.

“Do you dare to repeat what you have just said?”

The employee’s face turned red immediately and she panicked because she did not expect Jiang Yuning to hear her comment.

“‘Since her biological father has already died, isn’t it already predictable that she would look for a godfather instead?’ This was exactly what you said, right?” Jiang Yuning asked as she repeated the statement that she had just heard.

“I…I was just making a casual statement,” the other party replied, immediately trying to defend herself when she saw her colleagues walking over to observe what was happening.

“Do you know that your casual statement can hurt a lot of people? If your words are already so vicious when you say it casually, then how much more vicious can you be when saying things on purpose?”

“Stop trying to make a big issue out of it. I really did not mean anything—I was just making a casual statement.”

“You…go and pack up your belongings and leave immediately. You are fired,” Shen Yichen suddenly said as he appeared together with Vera. “You may have been making your statements casually, but I am serious when I say that you are fired.”

“And the rest of you should also listen up now. You have all been working in the entertainment industry for quite some time now and you should understand that words are like a double-edged sword in this industry. You may think that you are only discussing something casually among yourselves, but you should understand that your words could cause a lot of hurt and trouble to others. Whatever you say will come back to bite you eventually.”

After he was done lecturing the employees, Shen Yichen brought Jiang Yuning back to his office.

“Are you still angry?”

Jiang Yuning shook her head before she replied, “I am feeling better already. Moreover, you have already taken revenge on my behalf.”

“If the two mountains standing behind you find out that there are people who are being so vicious towards you, I am afraid that she would have to pay a bigger price instead of merely getting fired. Well, let’s get down to business. You can wait for me in the conference room to discuss the public relations matter with the representatives from Xiya Hotel.”

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