After that, Jiang Yuning tried to get away from the reporters by walking towards the entrance. As soon as she opened the door, Ku Jie and the bodyguards who had been on standby immediately surrounded Jiang Yuning and protected her from the reporters as they escorted her out of Dongheng Enterprise.

Everything had gone beyond everyone’s expectations.

Everyone who was watching the press conference and even most of the reporters who were present had initially believed everything that Fu Yahui had said. This was because Jiang Yuning was merely an artiste with a bad reputation who was trying hard to make it big in the entertainment industry, whereas Fu Yahui was the deputy director of a multinational company. It was only natural for people to believe that Fu Yahui would be more credible in comparison to Jiang Yuning.

However, everyone was really surprised at Fu Yahui’s arrest by the police officers on the spot.

She was arrested on the spot!

She had been shouting out confidently and full of excitement up till the next minute when she was suddenly handcuffed and taken away by the police officers.

This world was really unpredictable.

Looking at Jiang Yuning’s reaction, everyone knew that she would not be willing to share any more information regarding this matter. She did not want to waste the public’s time on their personal family matters. Perhaps this was what had she meant when she said that she wanted to retain whatever dignity that she could as a member of the Jiang family.

[Looks like Ms. Ava really did run away with money belonging to the Jiang family. Why else would she have been arrested?]

[I would not have been able to stay as calm as Jiang Yuning did if I were in her position. I hope that Ms. Ava gets the punishment that she deserves as soon as possible!]

[I suddenly feel that Jiang Yuning is very pitiful. She must have suffered a lot in the past.]

[I can finally see the difference between people with a good education and cultivation. I really admire Jiang Yuning for being able to stay calm amidst everything that her mother had done to her.]

[Oh no…Sister Yuning is so pitiful. Her mother abandoned her when she was just nineteen years old. It must have been difficult for her to get into the entertainment industry just to make sure that she could provide for her family.]

The netizens started openly expressing their opinions and regrets as soon as they saw Fu Yahui getting arrested.

Currently, the netizens and public were all standing on Jiang Yuning’s side.

They were extremely disgusted at Fu Yahui and Dongheng Enterprise for hiding the truth.

“Everything is over now. The only thing you can do is to wait for the police to finish investigating the case.” Ku Jie could not help but comfort Jiang Yuning, who had been silent ever since they left Dongheng Enterprise. “Don’t be like this. Didn’t the police arrest that person on the spot? We should be happy now.”

“I am happy, but I just cannot stop thinking about my father,” Jiang Yuning quickly replied. “Do not worry, brother. The police officers can do whatever they need to do. I will not have any sympathy for her.”

“What are you going to do about Huo Zhendong and Huo Yuxi then?”

“I will wait for the police to conduct their investigations and see how much information Fu Yahui will reveal then,” Jiang Yuning replied. “I want to know exactly when Huo Zhendong and Fu Yahui had gotten into a relationship and if the both of them had anything to do with my father’s disappearance.”

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