[Sister Yuning, I am just a high school student but I know that you are not a bad person. I hope that you will be able to cheer up.]

[Cute little Yuning, I am a fan of yours and I am also a mother. I hope that you will stay strong and continue to have faith! The truth will always come to light eventually.]

[Fighting! Sister Yuning, your fan club will always be here to support you no matter what happens!]

Jiang Yuning laughed out loud as soon as she saw these messages. She could not understand why the young paparazzo was so frustrated. His contribution and hard work in creating the fan club for her was obviously rewarding, as she would never have received this sort of messages from her fans in the past.

Therefore, Jiang Yuning took the time to respond to each and every encouraging message that her fans had sent.

Despite this, the public opinion was still overwhelmingly tilted towards Fu Yahui and Dongheng Enterprise.

In the middle of the night, Fu Yahui received a phone call from the managing partners of Dongheng Enterprise. Even though Fu Yahui had the upper hand right now, the shareholders of Dongheng Enterprise had requested for Fu Yahui to hold a press conference to reveal and justify the origins of the seven billion yuan that she had invested into Dongheng Enterprise. This was merely to provide an explanation to the public, although it would have been more favourable if she was able to obtain the notice that the police would not be filing the case.

Fu Yahui agreed to hold a press conference, but made it clear that she had to discuss the matter with her lawyer first.

After all, she did not know if the police were going to file the case .

Fu Yahui believed Jiang Yuning to be the one who had secretly leaked the information to the media to give her more pressure. However, Fu Yahui was extremely surprised to see that the public taking her side instead of Jiang Yuning’s.

“That little shrewd is really digging her own grave.”

Fu Yahui snorted before making a phone call to get a confirmation from her lawyer.

“Do you have any news for me from the police? What is the final verdict? The media is also requesting that I hold a press conference to make things clear and I also intend to do so to declare my innocence. However, I hope that I will be able to hold the press conference after the police issue the notice that they will not be filing the case.”

“Mrs. Huo, I was planning to give you a call in the morning. You can be rest assured that the police would not be filing a lawsuit against you because I have received news that there is insufficient evidence. You can go ahead and hold your press conference with confidence,” the lawyer quickly assured Fu Yahui. “You can trust me and be rest assured that there will be no more accidents this time.”

“That would be the best. Can you get me a copy of the notice stating that the police will not be filing the case, then?”

“Well, that…there is a process that the police have to go through before they can release the final notice. I am afraid that we will have to wait.”

Fu Yahui still felt uneasy and she wanted to get ahold of the official notice so that she could bring Jiang Yuning down once and for all.

“Then, let’s just wait a little longer,” Fu Yahui replied before hanging up the phone. At this time, Huo Yuxi suddenly entered the living room in a complete mess.

Fu Yahui glanced at Huo Yuxi before asking her directly, “You are already looking like this, so why don’t you go to the hospital and get yourself treated instead of wandering around in front of me all the time? Do I owe you anything?”

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