i love you (but i don't believe you) - my hero academia

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The flowers wrapped around his heart, encasing it with a gentle warmth and floral protection.

The fourth date was a candle lit dinner at a fancy restaurant, because yes, Katsuki could be romantic when he wanted to, thank you very fucking much. Deku sat across from him, emerald eyes dancing in the flickering flame. The constellation of freckles that dotted his cheeks and the bridge of his nose seemed extra loud that night. Bakugou wanted to kiss every single one of them.

He demanded that Deku would be his boyfriend before the waiter even came to their table. He couldn't wait. He needed to be Deku's and Deku needed to be his. "Be my boyfriend, nerd."

And so he was. The garden grew, extending their vines throughout his veins and connecting every part of his body.

The years following that were the best of Katsuki's life. They were stuck in a seemingly endless honeymoon phase for a year. Katsuki couldn't get enough of Deku, couldn't get over the fact that they were together, especially considering their childhood together.

Deku said that he couldn't believe it either, that "the boy he had been pining over since he was four actually liked him!"

It was all so... perfect. Deku always knew how to handle Katsuki, no matter what type of mood he was in. Whether he was angry and brash, scarily quiet, or a cutting sense of happy, Deku took it in stride and ran with it. He smoothed out his edges, and Katsuki found himself buying an engagement ring only three months of being together. He knew he was going to marry Deku. When, he wasn't quite sure, but it would happen.

They moved in together after a year of dating. It was a rather small apartment, bought with the combined savings of both of the boys. But it was more than enough for them. A kitchen for Katsuki to take over, an office for Deku to write in, a living room to hang out in, and a bedroom to sleep(and fuck) in. It was quaint, but Deku kept it homey with potted, green plants and earthy tones.

They had their first real fight a week after moving in. It was over something stupid, like Deku not putting away the dishes, but they screamed and yelled at each other until their throats were raw. Bakugou left the apartment in a seething rage, slamming the door behind him.

He returned two hours later and found Deku sitting on the floor in the kitchen. He still remembers the way Deku slowly looked up at him with red, puffy eyes. The words "I'm sorry" barely made it out of his mouth before Katsuki enveloped him in a hug. Apologizing wasn't Katsuki's forte, but he must've said sorry at least twenty times that night. It scared him, seeing Deku so hurt. It reminded him of the Katsuki in middle school, not the matured, grown-up Katsuki in college.

He vowed to never get into a fight with Deku again, if he could help it. Of course that was a silly promise because relationships are bound to get rickety at times. And theirs did. But at the end of the day, they'd always climb into bed together, kissing soft apologies into each other's warm skin.

Because the couple was Kacchan and Deku. The wonder duo(as Deku's readers liked to call them; he was quite popular as an author due to his good looks, annoyingly). The two people who were bound to be together since birth. Soulmates, Katsuki thought.

Deku always tended towards the plants in their apartment. They were well-watered, and basking in sunlight next to two large windows. Their soil was moist and fertile, and their leaves were a vibrant green.

Katsuki wasn't quite sure when things changed, when their relationship shifted. One day Deku was in his arms, giggling at Katsuki's imitation of All Might. And then the next, Deku seemed more withdrawn, more closed off. At first, he didn't think too much of it. Sometimes the nerd goes through random episodes of self-isolation, and while Katsuki always tries to help pull him out of it, he had learned that it was best to let Deku come to him.

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