Chapter 2 Oh crap....

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The bear stopped in a room. He put the cake down. He walked out of the room. "Okay we are gonna eat the cake then run." I said. We all started eating the cake. The bear walked back into the room with a boy, he had blonde hair. "Oh hey GF" the bear stared at chica. Grabbed the head and, now there's a purple man staring at chica. "What the freack." Chica said, "HE'S GOT A KNIFE OMG RUN!"

He stabbed chica. "Werido...."
He stabbed GF. "WTF"
He stabbed Bonnie.
"Freddy, we should start running."
We ran around the table. Freddy hid in the curtains of the stage. Groan. "Oh no." I ran down the halls "come on come on just to the front doors."
It blacked out
I have no memory of what happned.

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