Part one

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Hi, My name is Sasha and well... I'm 16 and pregnant. At least I was... My daughter is one week old today and we're on the way to find her dad. I'm almost 99% sure she's Roman's but who knows.

(Roman's house) "Hi roman, can we talk?" Sasha said. "Sure, come on in." Roman said as he moved to the side. Sasha picked up Ryan's carseat and walked in. "You have a baby?" Roman asked as he sat down. "We. We have a baby." Sasha said as she picked up her sleeping baby.

"What do you mean, "we"?" Roman asked. "i mean we as in WE have a baby. She's yours." Sasha said. "How do we know she's mine?" Roman said. "Just look at her! She has your light skinned little twin." Sasha said as she handed Roman the baby.

"Damn... She really is mine.  You know i'll be right back." Roman said going up the stairs. "Do you want me to- Never mind." Sasha said.

A few minutes later Roman came back downstairs with a bag. "Ryan.. Meet your daddy." He said smiling down at her.

Sasha-Daddy? You're willing to be in her life?

Roman- Well duh. She's gonna need us both.

Sasha-Thank you.. babe?

Roman-Don't say thanks BABE it's my job. -he winks-

Sasha-Whatever. Go get in the car loser.

Roman- Your a loser!-he sticks his tounge out-

Sasha-Ima baddie! -she poses-

Roman- Baha! you wish. -poses badly-

First chapter! I'm going to start using the hashtag, #Juicybanks ! If you ever want me to see your book use my hashtag and I'll start checking everyday.

16 and parents... | Roman X SashaWhere stories live. Discover now