Mission To Admission (NatashaXreader)

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The first time she saw you, you were wearing a white lacy dress, it was your high-school graduation and she'd been undercover as a photographer, hired by "your school." At that first glance she became so distracted by you she almost forgot to take pictures of the rest of the students.

You never really wanted to go to college but your parents insisted and so you went, off to New York for one very full and very taxing semester at NYU. Then, it was off to Julliard in the spring to cash out your scholarships.
As soon as you got to New York you felt homesick, you grew up in a pretty quiet house in Jersey and New York was so much different.

The first two weeks of school you'd already been so busy with your work you were ahead in almost all of your classes, a perfect but stressful schedule already made so that by the time the end of the semester rolled around you would have plenty of free-time to pack for Julliard.

There was a girl who worked at the coffee shop you began to frequent and her name was "Nat" or at least that's what her name tag said.
Some days you would go in and as hard as you were focusing on your studies, you couldn't help but notice the way she would stare at you over the counter.

You'd asked before if you knew her from somewhere and she said that she'd seen you around school. She was taking computer science as her main course and you shared a literature class but she usually sat in the back.
You had always been a first chair overachiever with average eyesight, so you wouldn't have noticed her back there even if she hadn't been lying.

The more free-time you managed to find after driving yourself mad, day in and day out with the tedious task of passing school early; the more time you seemed to spend at said coffee place, chatting up your waitress.

Eventually, she asked for your number and the two of you started talking all the time and hanging out after she got off work either in your dorm or in her little apartment off campus.
She was a good friend, possibly even your best friend seeing as how you'd always had a pretty horrible sense for social interaction.

You've always loved music with every part of your soul, you knew hundreds of songs from every artist and genre, something Nat had always seemed to find very interesting, but not as interesting as your secret.
You never meant for anyone to find out that you could control things with your mind since the only use you ever found for said talent was to teach yourself to play any instrument you'd ever had available to you.

She caught you one day, after sneaking into your dorm room after hours, after her shift had ended. She heard you playing guitar and decided to snoop a little.
You'd also been playing the drums lightly and the bass sitting beside you for purpose of rhythm and practice, which she caught you doing red handed.

She didn't seem scared or even that surprised really, just interested and accepting, something you weren't all together used to.

She'd ask you all the time if you'd ever thought of being a super hero and you always answered her the same way.

"I'm a musician, Nat. I'm not some scum Avenger.."

To which, she would always insist, you could be great for both, minus the scum.

As the semester finished up she seemed to sense there was something wrong, she knew you were excited about Julliard but lately you hadn't been talking about it as much and even when she would beg you to play a song or something for her, you would graciously decline.

You just didn't want to leave your only real friend, even though it was to follow the dream you've had and worked hard for from the time that you were three years old.

You never brought it up, knowing that the feelings that you held for her were far more than platonic and most-likely unrequited.

One night after your dorm room had been completely packed into boxes and said boxes had been stuffed into your once almost spacious car, she invited you over and told you how much she would miss you.
You knew she was telling the truth, you still managed to keep that little super power a secret.

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