"Honey, I'm gonna be like... two hours tops. You'll be fine," I reassure her as I slide my coat on and sling my purse over my shoulder as she slumps against the couch with a sigh, "You'll be okay, okay? I'll lock the door, all the windows are locked anyway... you're safe,"

"Are you sure?" She asks making me smile gently nod as she looks around with her nails digging into her palms, "No one can get in or out other than you or Keigo?"

"That is correct, you'll be safe," I promise, kissing her cheek as she nods before clearing her throat and looks in her lap, "I'll be back soon, try get some rest,"

Leaving Amai to rest, I open up the front door and leave my home before locking it shut behind me. The security cameras were on, so anything that seemed out of the ordinary would alert Keigo and I as soon as possible. No one could hurt my big sister. Amai is in a safe place. She's okay. She's fine. Nothing will hurt her. I promise myself that much.

As I slide into the car, I buckle myself in before sending a quick message to Keigo to tell him that I'm on my way. I turn the key in the ignition, smiling as the car rumbles to life before doing as I tell it to. Once I've reversed out of the driveway, I begin to make my journey toward my boyfriends hero agency. A faint giggle leaving my lips as one of my favourite songs come on. Without a moment of hesitation, I turn it up and sing along to it as I turn into a junction and then park in Keigo's designated parking space before snorting when I see the upright sidekick he employed look at me with wide eyes.

"You're not supposed to park there," he tells me as I get out of my car and grab my bag with a small smile, "That's Hawks' parking space!"

"Sweetie, I'm his fiancé, I'm allowed to park here," I tell him, smiling as he gawks at me while I grab the Tupperware box for my fiancé and giggle, "Plus Hawks doesn't really drive to work, so it's really my parking spot when I visit,"

"Oh..." He hums, rubbing the back of his neck as he lock up my car and send him a small reassuring smile, "Sorry,"

"It's fine, you're a new intern so it's bound to happen," I reassure him, patting his head as I walk into the agency with him behind me, "You're not the first one to ask me that or will you be the last one. Is Hawks in his office?"

"Yes, ma'am," He replies, smiling gently at my forgiveness as I press the elevator button and wait for it to arrive to the floor that I am on, "Have a good day,"

"You too, sweetie," I hum, smiling as he walks off to talk to one of the interns while I walk into the elevator and press the top button. As the doors shut, I lean against the wall and flick through my phone, "Nearly there,"

As the elevator dings, I clear my throat and walk through the hallway toward my fiancé's office. A smile on my lips as I knock on the door and open it up when I am given the green light. Slowly, I walk into his office and shut the door behind me with a faint smile. My eyes looking toward my fiancé who's hunched over his desk and mumbling to himself as he stares toward paperwork and cursing under his breath.

That's not a good sign...

Clearing my throat gently, I walk closer toward Keigo before sitting on the arm of his chair. The male immediately gravitates toward my person, resting his head on my chest while I run my fingers through his golden locks. My eyes slide over his paperwork and grimace at the amount of the words on the paper. It's like a huge essay. I pick up a couple of key words... like Arata's name, the Hankirai Yakuza... like Dabi's name. A couple of other names too...

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask gently, rubbing circles on his back as I hand him his lunch and kiss his cheek as he clears his throat, "I know it's supposed to be confidential but I am kinda involved since I was kidnapped,"

Hate To Love You... (Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now