After all, I like to think I'm an amazing chef!

With the stew slowly cooking away now on the hob, gently simmering away, I grab the dog food for Angel. The little Samoyed barking happily as I grab her food bowl and fill it up with her kibble. When I set it down, she sits and waits for me to give her the green light. Once I do so, she immediately goes to wolf down her food making me smile. The smell of stew wafts through making my mouth water and my stomach grumble happily.

"Hey babe,"

Smiling gently at my boyfriend calling for me, I run my fingers through my hair and head toward the living room where my boyfriend is sat. Keigo grinning gently toward me as I press a kiss to his cheek and slide onto the couch next to him while he takes a deep breath and holds me close. Lacing our hands together, I look up at him, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted to before I go back to sorting out dinner. The male grinning as I stick my tongue out at him.

"What's up?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder while Keigo's eyes slide toward the television to watch this documentary he's engrossed in, "Is everything okay?"

"Just wanted cuddles," he mumbles making me roll my eyes playfully and snuggle into his warmth as he kisses my forehead. The male humming as I giggle to myself, "Dinner smells nice, what is it?"

"Beef stew with homemade dumplings, I'm getting a bit sick of chicken," I tell him honestly, smiling when he nods in agreement and squeezes my hand in reassurance while I look up at him and wait for his approval, "It'll take a couple hours so I thought to start it now, should be ready by about half six/seven o'clock,"

"Sounds good," Keigo muses, nuzzling his nose against mine with a faint hum. The pair of us smiling toward each other in utter happiness, "I can't wait to eat it,"

Giggling, I shift on the couch and wrap my arms around him. The male grinning as he pulls me close for a kiss before pulling away as my phone rings. Whining, Keigo pouts toward me while I roll my eyes and curse under my breath. Expecting it to be my mother. A small hum leaves my lips as I quickly kiss his lips before pushing to my feet and grabbing my phone sitting on the tv stand. When I open it up, I frown gently at the number.

It's unknown...

Telling Keigo to keep quiet, I slowly press the green call button and press the speaker on gently. Keigo bites his lip to keep himself from talking before I take a deep breath and answer the phone for myself. Anxiety clawing at my back, dragging its nails deep into the skin of my back as I slowly greet whoever it is on calling my phone.

"Hello?" I greet cautiously, leaning against the wall of the living room while Keigo watches me carefully, "Can I help you?"

"Hi, is this (Y/n) (L/n)?" A voice asks from the other end. It's a woman. My eyes meet Keigo as he slowly nods to me to reply as normal and stay as calm as I possibly can, "I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, I'm one of the head designers and coordinators for Modutusuka. One of the most popular fashion companies in all of Japan,"

"O — oh my god," I stutter incredulously while I quickly turn off the speaker and put the phone to me ear. A smile etching across my lips as I head into the kitchen, "Yes, this is she,"

"Hi, (Y/n), I'm sorry for calling your personal phone, I did try your workplace but they said you were on medical leave so they gave me your personal number," She begins while I can't help but vibrate with utter excitement. It's Mitsuki Bakugo! She's like the biggest female fashion designer in Japan! Her and her husband are so big in the fashion world! Their designs are so good! To work for them is my dream! This is so amazing!

"It's fine, don't worry," I reply coolly, rubbing the back of my neck as I clear my throat and look toward my stew pot, "So what can I do for you?"

"Well, I would like to offer you a job opportunity," She explains making my eyes widen and the world almost stop. This can't be real! Oh my god! This like a dream come true! Someone pinch me! Oh my god! Smiling, I nod to myself waiting for her to finish, "We have a spot for head makeup designer in our company. My husband and I have looked at your work and it's the best we've seen by far. We were wondering if you were interested in joining the Modutusuka family,"

"Oh my god... this is amazing," I hum, covering my mouth as I stare at my counter in utter astonishment. My heart beating hard against my chest as I nod happily, "Yes! I would love to! Oh my god... you have no idea how happy you made me, Mrs Bakugo,"

"You deserve this post, sweetie, and we will be looking forward to having you," She hums, making me contain my excitement as I'd rather not embarrass myself in front of my new boss, "How long until your medical leave finishes?"

"My medication lasts for two more weeks," I explain, rubbing the back of my neck and smile toward Keigo who's standing at the doorway waiting for me to finish, "So anytime from then,"

"Well, you can start on the Monday you finish your leave," Mitsuki tells me while I grab a pen and quickly pen it into my calendar hanging on the fridge, "Is that good?"

"That is great! Thank you so so much for this opportunity," I tell her, setting the pen down and trying not to break down into happiness while I wipe my eyes, "I will not let you down,"

"I know you won't, we can't wait to have you," She says, I could hear the happiness dripping off her words while I jump up and down, "We'll see you soon, goodbye,"

"Bye," I hum, hanging up the phone before squealing at the top of my lungs and jumping up and down while throwing my fists into the air with the biggest smile on my lips. Happiness soaring through my blood while I cheer and squeal to myself, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"You're so adorable baby," Keigo coos, chuckling before I take his hands in mine and jump with him. The male grinning as he can't help but join the squealing and the cheering, "I don't know why we're doing this! But yay!"

Calming down now, I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him for a close cuddle. A big smile on my lips as he wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly and we sway back and forth. The pair of us smiling as we stare at one another before I clear my throat and begin to tell him the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me (other than him asking me out and being my boyfriend).

"That was Mitsuki Bakugo, she's the so famous in the fashion world... she's like Endeavor famous in the fashion world," I tell him making Keigo stare at me with the biggest grin and the widest eyes as he squeezes me tightly to him, "She offered me the role as head makeup artist! This is a huge promotion for me! I get to choose designs for the models, make my own and I even get to have a say in what outfit goes on what model too!"

"Oh my god! This is amazing!" Keigo cheers, picking me up and twirling me in the air while I giggle and smile until my cheeks ache, "I'm so happy for you, baby,"

"I finally get to be involved! Instead of being on the sidelines,"...

"You know what this means? Celebratory sex!"...

"What are you on? Do you have a mating season or someshit?!"...

Hate To Love You... (Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now