Horny hoe part 1

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Its a long one aging 🙂
Y/n- your name
J- jaden
B- bryce
Jr- josh
Q- quinton
K- kio
N- nessa
C- charli
Bg- blake
You chuckle*
Y/n- this is gon be fun!
C- hell yeah!
N- ughhh oml I seen josh he is so hottt
You all laugh*
C- I seen chase as well omggggg but cmon it's 7:00pm let's go get ready
Y/n: alr alr cmon!
Char puts on a  red dress thats plain*
Nessa puts on a black plain one*
You put on a white plain one*
C- were all matching!!
Y/n- yep!
N- btw erm Jaden will be down here.
Y/n- ik I mean I can't keep away from my ex forever I'll try talk to him.
You all walk downstairs and everyone whistles at you, you all walk over to Jaden chase and josh their standing together*
Josh and nessa go to dance and so does chase and charli*
Y/n- hey..
Jaden pulls ur arm and twirls you so ur back is on his chest*
He whispers to you: why is ur dress so fucking short.
You look at him*
Y/n- why do you care?
Jaden whispers to you- do you want all the boys to look up and see ur panties?
Y/n- yeah actually.
You walk away*
Jaden thinks to himself: alr she will see.
You go over and start talking with all the boys, they all look you up and down as if they would want to fuck you and they keep on staring at ur bOObs*
You feel uncomfortable*
Y/n- I'll be right be in a minute..
You walk of to find Jaden*
You see him and you walk over*
J: what do you want?
Y/n- where's the clothes..
J- though you would of said that.
He holds ur hand and goes upstairs*
J: here.
He gives you his hoodie and so pants*
Y/n- thanks.
You put them on*
J: so why did you come back to me I though you wanted boys to look.
Y/n- I felt uncomfortable it's like they were about to rape me.
Jaden walks over to you and hugs you*
He whispers: you can stay with me if you like?
You whisper: sure.
You both walk downstairs and go to the kitchen*
You sit on the counter and Jaden stands infront of you*
You talk for a bit*
Bryce comes over*
B- yo were playing t or d wanna play?
You both said sure and all walked over to the living yOu you sat with nessa and char and Jaden sat with the boys*
Gg- I'll start, Josh t or d.
Josh- dare.
Blake- I dare you to makeout with nessa for 20 seconds.
Josh walks over to nessa and starts kissing her*
Blake: alr 20 seconds is up ur turn josh.
Josh: alr erm y/n t or d?
Y/n- erm dare.
Josh: since ur single, kiss who you think is the hottest boy here.
Jaden looks at you*
You look around even tho you know who ur gonna pick*
You get up and walk over to Jaden and you kiss him*
He kisses you back*
Josh: ok we dont need a whole makeout round
You all continue to play and party then everyone basiclly goes upstairs and its only you and Jaden left.
J: tonight was fun.
Y/n- yeah.
You go over and sit beside Jaden*
J- why did you kiss me tho, don't you have a crush on anyone?
Y/n- I do have a crush.
J- who?
Y/n- you obviously.
J: but in ur ex.
Y/n- idc.
You look at Jaden*
Y/n: remember the time I was ur step sister and we fell in love and had sex and got caught by our parents.
J- yeah that was funny, remember when I kissed you infront of mads.
Y/n- yeah you were always the best kisser.
Jaden looks at you*
J- you were the actual first person I fell in love with, so I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you like I said remember?
Y/n: I remember, my dad found out we were kissing so he started hitting me and you stood up for me, no other man would do that for me.
J- it's probably bc I was actually the one that liked you.
You laugh*
Y/n- those where fun times, that sex was good tho you did it well.
J- haha me? You where amazing at it I still remember ur soft lips.
Y/n: you know what screw this, Jaden.. the day we broke up I was literally so sad I had about 5 mental breakdowns in one day I would always cry myself to sleep and I couldn't stop thinking about you and everytime we touch I feel like butterflies went down my throat and when I kissed you I didn't want it to end...ik you don't like me back but I'm still in love with you...
Jaden looks at you*
Y/n- I'm sorry I'll go.
You stand up*
J- wait!
He pulls ur hand back and you fall back down*
J: I'm still in love with you to..
Y/n: what?! Haha your lying.
He kisses you*
J: I'm not lying.
You look at him*
You kiss him aging*
It turns into a makeout*
J: iv missed you.
Y/n: iv missed you more.
Jaden looks at you*
J: no iv missed you more
Y/n: nah Iv missed you more.
Jaden: oh nah princess iv missed you more.
You stand up*
Y/n: I have missed you more!
Jaden starts chasing you*
He grabs you by the waist*
Jaden: I have missed you more!!!
You laugh*
Y/n: ok ok!
He kisses you neck*
You moan lightly*
J: let's go in the hot tub.
Y/n: I don't have my bikini.
J: you don't need it.
He picks you up and goes to the hot tub*
He takes off his shirt*
You take off ur shirt and pants*
Y/n: hot tub time!!
You both get in*
Jaden warps his arms around ur waist and pulls you onto him*
He whispers: damn you look hot in that princess.
You turn around the other way and wrapped ur legs around him and put ur head on his shoulder*
He then turns to you*
J- hey
Y/n: hello.
Jaden kisses you*
Y/n- are you?
Jaden nods*
You look down to his 😏 spot*
Y/n: we can't do it in the hot tub tho, and we can't do it inside they will hear.
Jaden picks you up from the hot tub and gets both of ur clothes and walks to his car*
Jaden: put ur clothes on real quick
You put ur clothes on and so does he*
You both get in the car*
Y/n- where are we going
Jaden: you will see.
He has one hand of the wheel and the other on ur thigh*
He pulls into his old house*
Y/n: what are we doing here.
Jaden: let's see if my mom and ur dad are still together.
Y/n: I'm scared of my dad tho..
Jaden: dont worry I'm with you.
You both get out of the car and go up to the door*
You both knock*
A 4 year old answers*
Unknown: hello?
Y/n: oh uhm hello there little one.
You bend down to her*
Y/n: do you think they moved?
Jaden: not that I know off.
Y/n: hello sweetie what's ur name?
Unknown: my name is Jaldn!
Y/n: that sounds like me and ur name mixed.
Jaden nods*
Y/n: Jaldn, could you go get ur mom and dad really quick?
Ja: ok!
She goes to get her mom and dad*
S/m: can I help yo- JADEN? Y/N!?
Jaden: MOM?!
y/n: DAD?!
D- well that's uhm.... ur step sister..
Y/n- w-what do you mean?!
S/m: we had a child, she's also ur step sister Jaden.
D: STOP SCREAMING, calm down
You look at him*
D: y/n Jaden are you both still dating?
You look at him*
Jaden: yes yes we are is there a problem?
S/m: Jaldn can have both of her step siblings dating, so we're gonna need you both to break up...
Y/n: no..no there's no way we're breaking up.
D: you have to
He reaches his hand out to you*
You start walking to the car but Jaden doesn't follow*
You turn and look at him*
Y/n: Jaden?...
Jaden: y/n I'm sorry...
Y/n: no..you aren't..Jaden please.
Jaden walks over to you and kisses you*
Jaden: your right..I would rather have the love of my life..
You kiss him*
S/m: Jaden...
J- don't talk to me or her ever aging.
You both get in the car*
Y/n: what made you want to stay with me?
Jaden: you come before anything or anyone.
You kiss him*
Y/n: thank you..
You both drive home*
You go inside and see everyone standing there*
B- where were you both?
C- yeah where were you?
Y/n: uhm we were out?
N- doing what?
K: sex?
Y/n: yeah sex, we did sex in his car now if you excuse me I need to go in my room.
You walk upstairs*
Jaden looks shocked*
Everyone looks at him*
Jaden: the sex was good.
He runs up after you*
He closes ur bedroom door and locks it*
Jaden: sex? We didn't have sex, I wish.
You look at him*
Y/n: I can make it wish come true.
Jaden looks at you*
You stand up and walk over to him*
You kiss him*
He picks you up and puts you to a wall and starts kissing you*
He slowly takes of ur pants and top*
He then takes of his pants and top so ur in ur bra and panties and he is in his boxers*
He then throws you on the bed*
He goes ontop*
And starts kissing all over ur stomach*
He leaves dark blue/purple hickys*
He then kisses your boobs then ur throat and goes up to ur ear onnce he reaches ur ear he whispers: can I take ur panties of?
You nod*
He takes them of then kisses over ur 😺*
You moan*
He starts licking ur clit and the sides*
Then he takes his boxers of and goes in you*
You moan hardly*
J- you like that princess?
You nod*
He then goes in and out*
Then circles*
Josh somehow walks in*
Josh- hey do you guys want t- wtf.
You glance*
Y/n- JOSH!
Jaden pulls out fast*
Josh: my bad my bad I'll go!
Y/n: you can join?
Jaden looks at you*
Josh: haha sure.
He closes the door and locks it*
Then he undresses himself*
Josh lays down on the bed*
You then sit on his 😏*
And Jaden sticks his one up ur 😺*
You then start bouncing*
There both moaning*
You then go on ur hands and knees and you start sucking jadens*
And josh puts his into you from behind*
You start moaning on Jaden*
Jaden: it's actually fun with you to Josh.
Josh chuckles*
Josh: I'm gonna leave nessa.
Y/n- haha never really liked her anyways.
You all laugh and continue*
You all then stop*
Y/n: wow definitely doing this aging.
Josh and Jaden: yep!
Josh: let me go and break up with nessa wanna come?
You and Jaden say yes then you all walk downstairs*
Josh- uhm nessa can I talk to you real quick?
N- sure!
She walks over to us 3*
Nessa- whats up!
Josh- well..I don't think we should be together anymore...
N- WHAT?! Why?!
Josh- well you see..
He turns around a kissed me and he also kissed Jaden*
Nessa- WTF!
Y/n- sorry boo.
You all laugh and walk upstairs*
Josh- oml haha
Jaden- that kiss was actually nice.
Josh kisses Jaden*
Y/n: ok ok I get it.
The both laugh*
You all get in the bed*
Ur in the middle*
Jaden fell asleep*
You look at josh and whisper to him- Jaden fell asleep*
Josh whispers: let's go into my room
You nod*
You both go into josh's room*
You both lay in his bed*
Y/n- why is ur bed so comfy-
Josh chuckles*
Josh- haha thanks.
You both make eye contact*
He kisses you and you kiss back*
It turns into a makeout*
You sit on his lap*
Josh- how many times have you had sex today?
Y/n- you make the sound like a bad thing and only once remember me you and Jay?
Josh: haha okkkk.
Your get of his lap*
Josh: I'm sorry come back on.
He pats his lap*
You ignore him*
He starts kissing ur neck leaving blue and purple hickys*
You start moan lightly*
Josh: will you come on my lap now?
Y/n: fine.
You sit on his lap*
Josh- good girl.
He starts to kiss ur neck aging*
Y/n- you good at this.
Josh: it's only hickys, I would do it with you but it's up to you.
You take ur top and bottoms of*
Y/n: your turn.
Josh takes of his top and bottoms to so your in ur panties and bra he in his boxers*
You start kissing down his chest*
You then reach to where his boxers is.
Y/n: take them of.
He takes them of*
You then continue going down*
Josh: stop the fucking tase just do it.
You start to suck*
Josh puts his hand on ur head to make you go faster*
He starts moaning*
You do it with no gag reflex*
Josh: I'm gonna cum!
Y/n: do it!
Josh: where do you want it?!
Y/n: in me!
He goes*
Josh: swallow.
You swallow it*
Josh: show me.
You hold his 😏 and you stick out ur tougne
And you show him*
Josh: good girl, now continue!
You start to suck aging*
Char walks in*
C- hey jos-
Josh looks shocked*
She couldn't really see you bc your under the covers but ur still sucking*
C- are you seriously getting ur dick sucked infront of me?!
He moans*
Josh: y-yep..
C- fine but let me suck it later.
She goes out*
Y/n: wtf.
Josh: haha I'll just let me do me later.
Y/n: alr well I'm doing you now so stfu.
Josh: wait it's my turn.
He flips you so your on the bottom*
He starts to kiss ur 😺 then he starts to lick*
You moan*
He licks the side and clit*
And then he licked a big long strip*
You moan harder*
He then put his 😏 in you*
He starts going really fast*
You tell him to stop around 20 times but he doesn't listen*
After 5 minutes you start to enjoy it*
Y/n- faster daddy!
You moaned*
Josh looks shocked but goes faster*
Y/n- mmmmmm
Josh: ur definitely a slut.
Y/n: is that a bad thing?
Josh chuckles*
Y/n: that was fun.
Josh: yeah we can do this aging one Time.
You nod*
Y/n- I need to get back to Jaden but I'll see ur later daddy, bye.
Josh- oooooohhh I get the name daddy huh.
You chuckle*
He wraps his arms around ur waist and pulls you in and kisses you*
Josh: bye ma.
You kiss him*
Y/n- bye.
You walk out and go to Jadens room*
He's still asleep but you go and cuddle him*

There will be a part 2
Sorry it was so horny 😳😳
Words: 2728

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