Dont Under Estimate Me

Start from the beginning

Tommy sprang out of bed quickly tugging on his jeans and a blue sweater with a embrodered bee on the corner.

(Tubbo made it for him at Christmas)

He smelled the sweater that instantly calmed him. Even after wearing it so many times it still smelled like Tubbo.

Tommy smiled as he yanked his shoes on. They were just black. He sauntered out to the kitchen.

Wilbur threw him a apple and Tommy gathered his gear. They did one last check before they were on there way.


The arena was way bigger than the two remembered. Although the last time they were there was for Techno's 9th birthday.

That was years ago. Also the only time they went.

Tommy confidently entered the arena and registered with his identity card.

(So everybody on the SMP has a card saying there a merchant or something and what level they are at. So if your a fisherman and you have a level 3 people aren't going to buy from you compared to a 8 who has a lot of trades. The levels go from 0 as a starter to 10 as a master)

The register was surprised to see a 14 year old master. Nobody in history had that.

Tommy was registered after a guard was called to remove Tommy until he showed his legal paperwork.

The guard was just as surprised.

They let him in though. Wilbur got his ticket clipped and he went to find a seat.

If they both saw Phil in the stands nobody mentioned it. If they both saw Techno sharpening his sword nobody mentioned it.

Nobody mentioned anything as they went to there respective spots. Tommy pulled out his netherite axe. He knew he most likely wouldn't use it.

He had fear and worry bubbling in his stomach only from one thing. What if he had to fight Techno.

As a younger child he always wanted to spare with Techno only to lose. Wilbur knew Tommy needed someone more on his level and learn the basics.

Tommy soon left the house and Wilbur trained him. Tommy became a warrior.

Tommy picked up his axe and held it over his shoulder. People probably thought he was crazy without armour.

He didn't need it. He knew that if he and Techno did fight considering he was a 10 and Techno was a mid 8-9 he would win.

10s didn't really exist in the world. They all died or were never born anymore.

Tommy kept it hidden that he was a ten. Some scientists found he might go off the charts one day.

As peoples names were called Tommy's nerves calmed down. He started to smile as higher up people went out.

Tommyinnit here with his trainer Wilbur Soot!

Tommy smiled as he stood up walked out axe perched on his shoulder.

As rare as it is this young 14 year old is a 10.

Gasps were heard among the crowd.

This young man will be dueling against the past winner of six years!

No it couldn't be.

He may only be a 9 but he sure is strong!

No please not him.

I give you...

No it really is


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