Chapter Two

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Astoria showed me the Slytherin common room. It was absolutely beautiful. Since it was located in the basement under the black lake, green hues were casted all over the place. 

I shared a dorm with her too, and I couldn't be happier. She was really nice to me. "So Astoria, is there anything important I need to know?" I asked curiously. I thought it would be smart to learn the rules by an insider.

"There's so much I don't even know where to start," she laughed. 

"Well, we have a curfew. 11 pm everybody must be in their common rooms, even om weekends, which is bullshit. We often sneak out, but if you get caught, you'll get a weeks' worth of detention. Don't be late to any classes because that will also earn you detention," she sighed. 

I folded my clothes neatly  so they all would fit in my tiny closet. 

"What about your friend group?" I wanted to know more about this Draco Malfoy. I needed to know if he really was as bad as Harry makes him out to be. 

"There's me, and if I have to say myself, I am a sweetheart," She threw herself on my bed. Giggling I sat down next to her.

"Then there's Blaise. He's the goofball of the group. He never takes anything serious, and he's always ready with a joke to lighten the mood. Theo is the player. You won't find any girl in Slytherin he hasn't fucked," 


 "Even you?" I asked. Not because I was judging, but Astoria just didn't seem like the girl who would fall for that kind of thing. "Even me. We all have our weak moments," she sighed. 

"Draco is a dickhead most of the time He's conceited and egoistic. But once you get to know him, he's actually a pretty decent guy. He cares so deeply for his friends; he would do anything. And then there's Pansy. She thinks her and Draco's a couple. They hook up every now and then, but there is not more to it. Draco keeps telling her that, but she never seems to get it,"

I could see why Harry didn't like Draco. Maybe it's because he never really got to know him. I mean, he might be Conceited and arrogant, but Astoria seems to really care about him, so he can't be all bad. Right?

"Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing," Astoria exclaimed. 

She sat up and turned around to face me. "Every house has a party the first night back! Slytherins parties are always the best." 

A party sounded kind of fun. 

"Are other houses allowed to mingle with each other?" I wanted to know if i'll be able to go see Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Yes. But Slytherins rarely go to other people's parties. They come to ours," she answered, while walking over to my closet. 

"But if you want, i'll go with you to the Gryffindor party. Only for an hour or so." I couldn't hide my smile. I had told Astoria about my friendship with the 3 Gryffindors. 

Normally Slytherin and Gryffindor don't mix, therefore it was a big thing, that Astoria would go with me. Even though it was only for an hour.

"I would like that," I said while flashing her a grateful smile. "Now let's find you something to wear to the party," she singed while looking through my clothe. 

She ended up picking a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and a corset looking top. In Astoria's words it "Brings out you boobs,". I was happy with it. 

Astoria wore a simple black satin dress. I decided to let my hair be as it is. A wavy blonde bob, that ended just over my shoulders. Astoria curled her long almost black hair and did our makeup. She had brought out a bottle of white wine, because she did not want to go to a party sober, apparently.

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