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(this story is based on a SpongeBob SquarePants season 7 episode)

[Episode starts at the night view of Burbank, California with a bird on the sign, then there's a view of the Chanerus' apartment, with a light now turned on. Yoru picks up a remote and sits on her couch]

Yoru Chaneru: All of the most intelligent programming starts before 6 AM. [clicks the remote]

Announcer: Our programming will begin shortly.

Yoru Chaneru: No, no, no. Take your time. It's worth the wait.

Announcer: KTLA Public Access presents: [Yoru claps her hands] "Rad and Retro," your source for the latest in vintage kitchen, collectible cassette tapes, [car beeps] and 1950s cars...

Yoru Chaneru: How sophisticated! [drinks empty cup of coffee]

Announcer: ...has been canceled! [buzzer sounds]

Yoru Chaneru: [spits out steam] Oh, yeah, I haven't made the coffee yet. [cuts to coffee maker as she makes the coffee] Why in the world would they cancel "Rad and Retro?" What could possibly be more enriching? [as she drinks her coffee, guitar music starts playing, the apartment starts shaking and Yoru spits out coffee] What?! [a person continues to play the guitar on TV. They'd then lit on fire, and then explodes and a title card comes up saying "The Guitar Lord".]

Fumen Chaneru: Hey. I'm Fumen the Guitar Lord. I don't have a guitar yet. But if I did, I would want a really killer one like this! [pulls out a paper, showing a red guitar]

Yoru Chaneru: [scoffs, in an angered tone] They obviously doesn't know the first thing about music! This is an outrage!

Fumen Chaneru: [shows their phone number: "1-32G-LORD"] So, here's my number if you want to talk about... [phone rings] Hello?

Yoru Chaneru: [angrily] Where is my "Rad and Retro?!"

Fumen Chaneru: Your... what?

Yoru Chaneru: I'm quite certain you wouldn't know culture if it bit you on the guitar!

Fumen Chaneru: Uh... hummm... I don't have a guitar.

Yoru Chaneru: Do they just give a show to just anybody over there?

Fumen Chaneru: Pretty much. My mom gave me this one for my birthday.

Yoru Chaneru: [surprised] Really?

Fumen Chaneru: Yeah. I wanted a guitar or a star named after me... but you know, whatever. I guess a TV show is cool.

Yoru Chaneru: It's that easy? [hangs up the phone and dials a number] Hello? KTLA Public Access? [excitedly] Give me a TV show! Give me a TV show! I want a show! [cut to McDonald's later] Come on! Just a few more minutes, Yoru, and it will be your turn to bask in the lime light! [laughs]

Orenji Chaneru: Ohhh, yeah! Oh, lime light basking! Baskin' in the lime light! [laughs] Oh, good times. Good times. [turns to Yoru] So, where will said basking take place?

Yoru Chaneru: [angrily] Like, I would tell you! Hmph... [thinking] Although, I've waited my whole life to have enough glory to rub it in someone's face. Anyone's face. [turns to Orenji who winks. She shivers.] Even that face. Okay! I'll tell you, but the last thing I would want is for you to show up so plug your ears! [shoves Big Macs in Orenji's ears] Well, I don't want to toot my own whistle, but... Wait, no! That's exactly what I mean to do! [Orenji hears Yoru mumbling and laughing. Clock ticks to 8:00 PM and a bell rings] Oh! [rushes off]

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