Chapter 1- Varian

Start from the beginning

Varian stared mumbling, finding an excuse.
I look around the room. A few of the stuff there looked familiar to me...
"Sooo what's all of this?"

"This, Y/N, is my lab."
Varian presented with his hands widely open, very proud.

Ruddiger the raccoon went between my legs, stepping on a string which caused a purple ball to fall down to the floor.
In a purple explosion, the raccoon was stuck in purple glue.

"Woah! So cool!!!"
I say in amazement.

"Yap. A more of a... humane way to get rid of... NAMED pests, I suppose!"
Varian winked at me as he freed the raccoon from his trap, closing the door as Ruddiger went out.

I suddenly remember where I've seen all this stuff.
"Are you practicing alchemy?"

"ALCHEMY. Not magic, alch- wait, you know what alchemy is?"
Varian sounded almost surprised.

"I used to read about it. Honestly, I don't believe in magic."
I shrugged.
Varian stared at me in shock.

"D-Did I say anything w-wrong...?"
I worry.

Varian shook his head, snapping out of his shock.
"NO! Of course not! This is amazing! You are BRILLIANT!
Most people just give up on my science and call me a magician."
Varian said ecstaticly, then he giggled.
I giggle too.

"Mind if I look around a bit?"
I asked.

"S-Sure! Just be careful with touching anything."

I go closer to the wall. It was filled with a bunch of writings and scribbles. Then I see a sheet of paper taped on the wall, hiding something.
Curious, I lift it up.
There was a drawing of a black triangle... like the... the... that rock that grew behind my house.

My breath went sharp, which attracted Varian's attention.
"What's that, Varian...?"

His expression changed into stress, and he hurried to me and put the sheet of paper back on the wall.

"J-Just, uh, little... something...
A secret project I'm working on! Hehehe..."
Varian said, almost sweating.

If he knows something about these rocks, I want to know too. This darn thing literally grew next to my house.

...what used to be my house...

"Have you... have you ever seen... black rocks growing from the ground even though it's scientifically impossible...?"

Varian looked at me in the eyes.
"You... you've seen one...?"

"Y-Yea! It started growing next to the ashes. Your father hurried me away after that..."

"He knows? Where was your house?"
Varian asked.

"It's that one dark solitary house in here..."
I sigh as I remembered the place I grew in.

Varian was about to say something and step out but he stopped himself.
"I can go look at it later, hehe...
Let's just have a fun day today!"

Varian has such a caring heart...

"So what do you want to do, Y/N?"
He asked me.

I thought for a split second before answering.
"Oh! Can you teach me how to make those purple glue traps thingys?"
I asked, excited.

"Of course! I thought you would never ask!"
Varian had his brightest smile on his face.

"Alright, try to throw it on the floor."
Varian pointed to a corner.
I put back my goggles and throw the purple ball, and it exploded, leaving a perfect circle of glue.

Varian cheered. I laughed. This was the first time in years I had fun with someone.
"Wait, how did you make it circle-shaped?"
Varian asked, impressed.

"I decided to add this calculation I thought of while working."
I hand him a piece of paper I've written on.

You are a GENIUS!
We could do awesome things,
you and I!"
Varian exclaimed.
I giggled.
"Tone down your excitement, pal. You are the true genius here."

Varian laughed awkwardly and then looked aside.
"Are you ok, Varian?"

"Y-Yea... it's just...
All of this is new to me. I've never had so much fun and I never got complimented like that for my work..."

I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Quirin is a little cold sometimes, eh?"
I say softly.
Varian nodded.

"I am alone most of the time so I don't have any friends... and father never spends much time with me...

I just realized that... I think I just want to make him proud..."
Varian mumbled quietly.

Varian and I are more similar than I expected...

"I promise I'll never leave you, Varian. I'll always be proud of you. You are an outstanding person."
I reassured him.

Varian blushed from my words.

"Same to you, Y/N."

Varian and I were laughing as we were covered in blue soap.

"I messed up the calculation. At least we are getting cleaned right now!"
I giggled.

"I know I said we were going to make a bath bomb, but not the literal one!"
Varian continued laughing as we wiped away the access soap.

The door opened.
"Nice to see you two getting along. I have to go soon so I won't be joining you for dinner."
Quirin mentioned.

"Alright, dad!"
Varian replied.

"Thank you... really... for everything...
It's a shame I don't have anywhere to go... I don't want to be a burden..."
I try to smile behind my tears.

"It's really not a problem. Now my son has a friend to keep him company and an eye on him. It's a shame I leave Varian alone a lot, but not anymore when you are here."
Quirin says and left.

"You are not a burden Y/N...!"
I stay silent.
I didn't like those kind of conversations and I didn't believe in those words that Varian told me.

"L-Let's, uh, go to eat! Dad's food is the best!"
Varian tried to de-fuse the awkward situation.
Varian's smile and excitement calmed me down and I let him grab my hand and lead me to the dining table.

Only my first day here and we already got very close.

Maybe living here won't be as bad as I thought...

"Ooooo that's good!"
I smile. I haven't had good food in a while.
Varian was just stirring his food around the plate.

"It sure does look like you spend most of your time alone..."
I mumbled to myself. I didn't even mean for him to hear that sentence, I just got used to talking to myself.

Varian lifted his eyes from his food.

"U-Uh, sorry, I spoke out loud, didn't I...?"
I laughed awkwardly.

"That's fine. I do that sometimes too.
Dad is a very busy man... it's really hard to impress him. I just want to make him proud..."
Varian sighed.

"I'm sure he is already proud of you. Who wouldn't be proud of an awesome alchemist?"
I wink.

"T-Thanks, but I mostly mess up and cause explosions..."
Varian looks aside.

I stand up.
"Varian, tomorrow we'll work together. I'll help you do the thing that will make your father open up and say that he is proud of you. Deal?"

Only lost a family but already ready to fix another one...

"Y-Yea! Let's do this!"
A spark of determination blinked in his eyes.

I wash my plate and leave it to dry.
"This day was too much for me. I better go to sleep."
I yawn.

Varian nodded as he led me to the living room. There was an old sofa that had a few blankets on it.

I mumbled a goodnight to Varian.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N"
Varian said before turning the light off.

1829 words

Varian x reader ^-^ (Tangled The Series) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now