Adam sackler : The New Neighbors

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3rd POV
Adam was peacefully sleeping until He hear "Oh fuck" then a bang. Adam shift in the bed tryna to block noise until another bang. Adam sit up out the bed and tugs the front open, look down stairs. There was you. ( the photo up top)

Adam POV
I saw you and I seen that sexy brown skin and pretty brown eyes , juicy plump lips. Snap out of it Adam, I scolded myself. "Need help" I asked. She look at me then look down." yea but can put pants on. I look down and see I was only Star Wars T-shirt and boxers. " sorry been right back "

Jayla POV
I was tryna to put this last box in my new apartment until I hear deep voice "Need help". I look up the stairs and see my dream guy. His raven hair nearly touched his shoulders, but it was swept neatly out of his face. Small beauty marks were scattered across his delicate ivory skin. His eyes were deep brown with gold and his prominent nose fit his face perfectly. Trimmed back facial hair surrounded his full lips. He was in a Star Wars T-shirt and black boxer then I look down "yea but can you put pants on. I look up again and see him looking down at himself. I was going to say thing then "sorry been right back "

Part 2 🥺

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