Part 2 ❤️

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathu.

Hope you all doing well,in the best of health,safety and Imaan.

Jazakillah khairn for your kind words and love you all shower me with,at times I question myself whether do I seriously deserve it ? Subhahanallah. All thanks to Allah. Jazakillah khairn Habibti's ❤️

And yah here is the second part,

Iam going to ask you a question first ,

How many Qur'ans are you planning to finish in this Ramadhan ? In Shaa Allah ❤️🔥

And yah here is the second part,

Every single day,
After fajr Salah,try to finish even one juz or half a juz,In Shaa Allah. At the starting it maybe difficult. But get some time for it. We just can't waste our time by sleeping and stuffs. It's just one month,just thirty days and yah,we don't even know if we will be there for the next Ramadhan or we don't even know if we will be there to complete this WHOLE RAMADHAN. ?

And yah,So try to finish one juz / or half a juz after fajr. And if you finish half,Try to finish the other half little by little,after other farl prayers. In Shaa Allah.

It may seem hard but for the sake of Allah? It's easy. Rightttt?

And yah,and the again,
After iftaar,or at night or at afternoon.
Take one hour / one and half an hour.
Gather all your family members and together recite one juz every day. One juz every day. Just one okay ?

It may seem hard to do this too,to gather all of them,To join them,and to recite together ?
But motivate them,you may be rewarded too,In Shaa Allah.

So by that way,if you recite one juz everyday. In thirty days ,you can finish one whole Quran.

And by seeing the amount of juz you recite after fajr,if one juz after every fajr Salah.. then there too,one whole Quran.
If half,Then half of thirty. Right ?

So if you finish the other half of this in other times of the day,And complete the other fifteen,you can finish one whole Quran too.

So totally,you can finish two Quran.

If reciting after fajr is hard.

Follow this method.
1.With family,One juz everyday.
2.One juz has twenty/twenty two pages,I think. Four pages/ five pages after each farl Salah. Then one juz everyday completed. Alhamdullilah.

So by these methods you can finish at least two Qur'ans. I don't if these makes sense. But for now month,let's work hard and achieve our targets of reciting Quran.

Just imagine the reward? Subhahanallah.
In normal times,for one letter,ten rewards. Then in Ramadan ?

Can you imagine,the more you recite,the more merits fill your scale. Subhahanallah.

Share it with your family and friends.and the method of reciting one juz daily with your family members, Discuss it with them today,now if possible. Encourage them, motivate them. You may have so many works to do,but if we miss this change,we may regret it for the lifetime right ? So here is our chance. Alhamdullilah.

Jazakillah khairn.

If anything,comment and DM.
May Allah bless us all and accept our deeds and make our intentions pure for the sake of him only,Aameen ❤️

Jazakillah khairn ❤️
Include in duas.
Would try to put the next chapter too,In Shaa Allah.


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