Chapter 2: Revenge

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After two weeks had passed, Neal finally got released from his tiny cell. Peter had finally come through for his friend, which brings us back to the present day.

~Present Day~

"Neal! I hate to bring you back from whatever daydream you were in the midst of, but we need to figure out our game plan," Mozzie calls out.
Neal blinks rapidly before speaking, "What do you mean, Moz?"
"I mean that you need to decide how to react to Kate's death. With the FBI always close behind, it makes finding Kate's killer impossibly hard." Mozzie responds patiently.
"Okay. Sorry. I'm just a bit slow today," Neal apologizes. "Do you have any leads on who the killer is?" Neal asks excitedly, trying not to get his hopes up and failing miserably.
"Actually, yes!" Moz exclaims.
Neal jumps up and grabs Mozzie by the shoulders. "Where and who?" he asks quietly.
"His name is Damien, and he wants to have a meeting with you at the Central Pier. However, I don't think you should go. It may all be a trap. With you on house arrest, you can't even leave your own house, let alone meet your #1 enemy!" Moz warns frustratedly.
As Neal patiently listened to Moz, his mind was already plotting on how to evade Peter as he broke his terms of being out of prison. Being on house arrest was the only way for Peter to negotiate Neal's release. Neal knew that Peter would be furious, but this was Kate's killer! He knew that he might be surrendering his freedom, but he was going to that meeting, no matter what.
"Moz, what time?" Neal questioned.
"Neal..." Moz protested.
"Can you tell me when he wants to meet? Please, Mozzie," Neal begs.
"It's in 20 minutes," Mozzie relents.
"Thanks, Mozzie," Neal gratefully responds.
As Neal rushes out the door, Moz quickly pulls out his phone and dials Peter.
"This is Burke," Peter says.
"Ummm. Suit?" Mozzie mumbles.
"Haversham, is that you?" Peter asks, surprised.
"Yes. I shouldn't be doing this, but Neal isn't thinking properly," Moz consoles himself.
"What? What's going on?" Peter asks worriedly,
"It's Neal. He's got a few minutes head start, but he's going to meet Kate's killer," Moz spits out.
"Where?" Peter gets to the point.
"Central Pier," Moz replies.
"You did the right thing. I'll get Neal to come to his senses," Peter consoles and then hangs up.
Mozzie knows what he just did, but it was the only way. He truly cared for Neal and was concerned for his safety. Neal would understand. He had to.
As Neal stepped out of his door and saw the light turn red on his anklet, he knew that Peter got notified of his betrayal. It will be okay. Kate was the only thing that mattered in Neal's revenge-crazed mind. He strode out onto the sidewalk and began to make his way to the closest pawn shop. Neal heard the bell chime when the door was pulled open and quickly glanced around, looking for something specific. Finally, he spotted it! Neal reached under the counter, grabbed the cool, hard handle of a gun, and smiled at the surveillance camera. As he flashed the famous Caffrey smile, he shot the camera out. Everything had all seemed to happen in slow motion, but, in reality, it only lasted a couple of seconds. He was just happy that the shop owner hadn't been able to come out from the back room. He didn't want to hurt anyone, at least anyone but Damien.

~30 Minutes Later~

"Boss," said Diana.
"What's happened?" Peter asks worriedly.
"It's Neal. He just robbed a pawn shop," Diana informed Peter.
"What?! He wouldn't! It's just not him!" Peter exclaimed.
"That's not all," she told a shell-shocked Peter. "He's got a gun."

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