Chapter 12 : ♡Comfortabe silence♡

Start from the beginning

"FUCK!", he couldnt remember, the sudden wave had messed up his memory, falling back onto the carpet his chest heaved with every deep breathe he took the snake was coiling around him tighter he couldnt breathe.
Wooyoung had groggily woken to the shout of profanity, his eyes where blurry but he could make out the limp form of San's body on the ground, hand held to his throat like if he was clawing at something to let go of him.

"SAN!", he weakly registered the sudden call of his name,


"San, san !", Wooyoung didnt know what to do, looking around the room for a solution his eyes landed on a black glass bottle the symbol of a dying rose to the front San's initials written at the bottom. Crawling over he snatched the bottle of the night stand opening the cap he shacked the bottle letting a pill fall into his hand clutching onto the black bead, his eyes never leaved San.

Prying the pale boys mouth open with his fingers his slipped the pill in, but san didnt swallow,
"San sallow the stupid pill dont keep in your mouth !", he shouted he doubted that San could here him anyway.
Looking around again for something he could give san his hands grabbed at the first thing his eyes saw, a tall purple flask.
Without a second thought he drank the contents of the bottle and held it in his mouth, lifting San's head he pried the boys mouth open giving him the access he needed.

San's lips felt warm, Wooyoung's hand came to hold at the base of San's neck tilting it so that he was directly below him.

San swallowed hard, hand quick to grab at whoever was holding him and holding onto the shoulders, he greedily drank the sweet tangy fluid that was being given to him so messily from the person above him, the pill took effect immediately, his vision was no longer white but he didnt know that his eyes were still closed and mind was to busy being preoccupied with kissing the person who was holding him so gently.

Wooyoung pulled away first, looking down when san whine at the loss of the boys lips, they where plump and pink now the sides of his mouth glossy from where the drink had escaped the lines ran down San's neck his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallow any of the remaining drink in his mouth.

San opened his eyes his vision was blurry but after blinking a few times he could see the white shirt in front of him, Wooyoung held him by his back one hand at his nape while the other was at the center of his back, he held Wooyoung by his shoulders both hands clasped tightly onto the shirt clad shoulders.

Their breathes were deep as it filled the quiet room but looking at each other, san moved first wrapping his arms around Wooyoung's neck so he could rest his head on the crook of the others neck. Sweat shined of him his hair was stuck to his forehead, he was looking like the drown cat Wooyoung saw on the first day he meet him.

Wooyoung fixed his oddly bent body so he could sit comfortably on his lap the other broad shoulders falling up and down with every second.

"San, are you okay now?", san nodded head still buried in Wooyoung's neck, the others scent was comforting him.
"Not to be pushy but can you tell me what happened?", Wooyoung asked with caution, whatever san had gone through seemed painful and it scared him that the boy had to go through this alone.

"It just an after effect of an accident, the medicine keeps me from completely capping out again", san said his hot breath fanned Wooyoung's neck as he spoke.
Wooyoung nodded he was satisfied as he could be with the answer, holding onto san tighter he lifted them up and walked back to the bed. San scrambled for perch startled when the boy suddenly picked him up.

"Dont squeeze so tight you'll cut of my air flow", Wooyoung said as he placed san on the soft duvet, crawling beside the him as he pulled the covers over them, san loosened his grip when Wooyoung had placed him down he watched the others moves carefully.

The coldness of the sheets where comfortable to them Wooyoung pulled San closer, no light feed into the room just sweet darkness.
"Get some sleep sannie".

They fell back asleep, and so the stayed in comfortable silence.


The mahogany doors opened soundlessly, the tall male stepping out walked elegantly hair combed and styled perfectly his black suit crisp, his strides were powerful as he walked down the hall, glass wall to the right of him showing him the unique garden constructed. It consisted of a giant sundial on the middle carved from white marble it was the centerpiece of the colour less garden, not a sole flower that was a lie, only one flower dared, the white rose that bloomed so enchantingly, only she dared to grace the garden with her presence.

His thick eyebrows creased, as he looked at the blooming roses, almond eyes of chocolate looking blankly at the colorless flowers through the glass.
The case he held in his hand contained one sole thing, while his other hand held orange manila folder the words 'Redirect' stamped in red.

"Master Seokmin, what are you doing up so early ?", said a body clad in blue overalls with a white shirt inside, their face was soft and round like a dumpling the big rimmed glasses they wore also helped put emphasis on their choice of work attire.

"Shouldnt you be attending to the mistress ?", the male, Seokmin, said as he raised his eyebrow questioning the shorter,
"I'm not obligated to serve her, sir", Seokmin hummed at the answer.
"I thought you said you weren't going", the shorter's voice said softly as their eyes landed on the folder. Seokmin didnt answer and just gave the folder to the shorter,

"I'm not going anywhere Lorin, Seojoon just sent me something, knowing him he sent it without telling Hongjoong, I'll be back soon",

"Tell Hongjoong I said hi, dont get in trouble, from the looks of it Sanhee's gang is getting ready to move, let pray they dont pull anything risky at the games", Seokmin watched the as the other talked their hands moving from page to page, his eyes moved back to watch at the sundial, he doubted very highly that white marble would stay white for much longer.

"Dont worry Hongjoong and others can handle themselves just fine, its Sanhee we have to watch, in-tell from Yujun said that he contacted the Mistress for help and that's not a good thing". Lorin turned to leave but stopped,

"By the way Seokmin, I found the letter, dont hold back on killing him, okay".

This was a soft chapter ????
Anyways thank sorry reading tell the end, I'm guessing yall didnt like the last chapter, yall are probably getting confused but everything will smoothen out soon.


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