Forget about him

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Draco's POV

I was in potions while the stupid potter girl explained what amortecia was. God I despise her more than I despise potter. Next we had to tell our partners what we smelled. And I was with Párkinson everyone thinks we are together but we aren't actually friends we literally just hang out beacasue our parents want us too. She told me she smalled blah blah blah blah i dont remember the name of those things but it was for sure zabini. It was my turn. "Uh i smell" sh!t panzy  noticed my pause and asked me what was wrong i just said I didn't smell anything because I didn't like someone at the moment she agreed. It was partly true i mean I didn't know i liked someone till like 10 seconds ago i turned around to see potter girl shocked face and we met eyes. She just rolled her eyes just like i did but I could tell ho she smelled. Me. I read somewhere that if you smell someone that u for sure dont like its because you are soulmates but f*ck that was not the case. At least i dont want it to be. I smelled her delicious sent. A little red apple a pinch of peppermint and cinnamon roll smell. Ahh if it wasn't her I swear I would rap her around my eyes and kiss her like there's no tomorrrow. Sh!t Draco NO. 

Back to mia's pov:

I was passing through the hallways when I see Malfoy. Now I literally can't look at him in the eyes. It's horrifying. It's scary. It's terrible. It's lovely. His eyes blue but at the same time gray you're so beautiful I could stare at them the whole night if I could. Wait what. Why in the world am I thinking this. Aaaaa That's stupid potion. What did it do. I made a contact for a couple seconds but just when I saw his gaze meet mine I immediately looked away. I don't know who he smelled but one thing is for sure. He can't figure it out I smell him. There's this little voice deep inside of me. It keeps repeating. He smells you to give him a chance. And then there's the stronger one don't give him a chance what would everyone think. A Potter and a Malfoy. Ah forget it. Shit he's coming. Just ignore him why are you so nervous. As he was walking by our hands rushed through each other. And just dad sent an electric shock through my body. It was like a roller coaster of emotions. And I had no idea why I was feeling like this. When I got back to my dorm I could literally hear Hermione laughing at my shocked face. She asked what was wrong I really didn't want to answer her. But I did. " Hermione do you know what it is if there's this one guy that every time you look at him it's like butterflies in your stomach and even if your hands just brush you can feel your whole body freaking out and just the smell of him makes you feel safe and you just have this urge to just go up to him and hug him but the other hand if someone figures out that you're feeling this it might be a problem because it's like Romeo and Juliet you can't be together it's two opposites that well, cant be together " Now Hermione had a shocked face and it was my time to ask what was wrong. "Mimi, do you know what you just described" "what" "love", WHAT NO NO NO NO NO. SO IT WAS TRUE. I am in love with him.

"So Now WHO IS IT" mione asked "umm" "umm" "I- promised not to tell anyone" "promise" I sighted. "Okay here goes nothing" i said "mal" i said but Hermione interrupted me "FOY......SO I WAS RIGHT OMG OMG OMG ITS LIKE A FORBIDDEN LOVE"  "I need to go outside for a little" I said.  "Umm Mimi its 1am. You cant go out its against the rules," mione said "don't worry i'll be quick plus I'll take my invisibility cloak" I said grabbing my cloak. When I left the room I put the cloak over my self and started walking towards the hallways. I was looking around to making sure no one was seeing me but I bumped into someone and the cloak fell to the floor and well it revealed myself. "What the f*ck" I said "Potter!?" "Malfoy?!" we both said at the same time. "What the hell". Tap tap tap. Foot steps. Oh no. FLINCH. Without thinking i pushed Malfoy and me into a small closet and locked it. "Wh-" Malfoy said but i put my finger against his lips signaling for him to be quite. "Who's there" flinch said. We both stayed quite. "Im gonna find you" he said while his footsteps slowly drifted away. "Why in the whole f*cking world would you do that." Malfoy said "shut the hell up I just saved you a*s" I replied "no don't you get it this is the closet that can't be opened from the inside it can only be open from the outside idiot" he said "sh!t" "exactly" "gryffindoor idiot" malfoy said "slitherin dumbass" I replied. "Dipsh!t" "jerk". We continued until there was only a few centimeters between us. "Jacka*s" "dor-" I wasn't able to finish that sentence. Since there was now lips attached to my own. I was screaming but I dint want to wait any time to I kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync there were literally firework exploding. It was awesome until we were forced to part away because of the lack of oxygen. We looked at each other. Then Draco broke the silence. "you have no idea how long have waited to do that" I chuckled. "Me too belive me. Me too" I replied "we will figure this out later but mean while how the hell are we supposed to get out of here." "I dont know" I replied.

"I do but we would go directly to my dorm" Draco said "okay..... I could just from there go to mine" I said "No you dont get it. At night snape puts a spell in every room that doesn't let us get out. "Sh! know what I really dont want to sleep here lets just go" "okay" Draco said.

Like that we appeared in his dorm. "You take the bed I'll just sleep in the floor" he said. "Umm Draco " I said "yes?" " I kinda don't have any clothe" he chucked, he went to the closet and throught a shirt to me. "That should go down to your knees" he said "there's the bathroom" I went to were he was pointing and changed. He was right the shirt did go till my knees. I got out of the bath room and there he was shirtless throwing a pillow on the floor. "Draco. No. There's space for both of us in the bed"  "i know but are you comfortable sleeping with I mean me" he said. "Well yea come on" he hopped right next to me and just like that I drifted to sleep. 

AN: heyyyyyy so an Update finnallyyyyyyy gonna right more when I arrive to Miami leaving tomorrow hahahahaha.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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