The Gyropheres

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Sophia POV
We were walking into the activity centre Gray speeding in front of us Zach on his phone next to me Zara had unfortunately followed us to the T-rex feeding and given my a 30 minute lecture about running of "Gray slow down will you" Zach said finally looking up from his phone "don't listen to him Gray I love your enthusiasm" he smiled and Zach shot me a death glare, Gray ran up to the mister DNA and named all the types of DNA in a dinosaur "don't run off okay Moms not paying me to babysit you" Zach sighed "your really smart for a twelve year old y'know that" I smiled at the small boy in front of me "Gray? Is that you?" A voice said from behind us "Aunt Claire" Gray ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her torso she awkwardly hugged him back "aww Gray your SO sweet" she laughed as Gray stepped back resuming his position next to me grabbing my hand "woah Zach last time I saw you you were like this big" she estimated his height from the last time she saw them "that was like 4? 5 years ago?" Zach gave her a fake smile "7, 7 years ago but y'know close" she nodded "so I've seen you've already gotten your wristbands and this is for food" she hands them an envelope filled with what I presumed was money "and Zara and Sophia here will take very good care of you until I'm done working tonight okay?" She said while Zara still had not looked up from her phone typical Grays smile faded as he realised his aunt was abandoning them "your not coming with us?" He asked in a sad tone that made my heart break "oh I really wish that I could bit emm tomorrow I'll take you into the control room for a little behind the scenes that's cool right" her phone buzzed and she checked the notification "alright I err I have to go but I'll see you at 6" Zara cut her off "oh no don't forget you have the" Claire's eyes widened with realisation "oh yeah errm 8 I'll see you at 8 actually what time to do you go to bed do you go to bed at the same time or" her phone buzzed again "I have to go" she turned to me hugging me which kinda surprised me but I hugged her back "please take very good care of them" she whispered in my ear "will do boss" she smiled then pit her phone back to her ear walking through a hologram "how about we go to the Mosasaur show?" My phone started ringing "one sec it's my dad" they both nodded as I accepted the call "Hey dad"
"Where are you?"
"I'm hanging out with Claire's Nephews Zach and Gray"
"Dad chill"
"Sorry sorry how was the show?"
"It was great Trixie was very well behaved"
"You need to visit Blue she misses you sweetheart"
"Alright I'll stop by later say hi to the girls for me"
"Will do kiddo love you T-rex girl"
"Love you too Raptor man"
He chuckled from his end off the phone and hung up "Sorry about that" Gray had a confused look on his face "Why did you call him Raptor man?" I laughed "my dad Owen works with the Velociraptors so I call him Raptor man and he calls me T-rex girl" I smiled and Gray laughed "that's cute I guess" I rolled my eyes there was no surprise Zach was on his phone "c'mon Gray lets go look around" I held my hand out for Gray and he gladly took it dragging me along with him
(Gonna skip to the Mosasaur show coz I'm lazy 😜)
I sat in between the boys Gray on my left Zach on my right, Gray mumbling random Mosasaur facts to himself Zach well I think you can guess what he was doing and I was getting very fed up with it so I did what any good friend would do I took his phone and placed it in my pocket "Hey give that back!" Zach demanded "Nope you need to remove that from your face your worse than Zara you'll get it back when I leave you tonight" Zach let out a frustrated sigh and shrunk back into his seat the Mosasaur trainer Anna started talking but I zoned out "lets see if she's still hungry after already eating now she's very shy so lets all give her a warm welcome" Anna said as she pressed some buttons on the control panel a dead great white shark hovered over the Mosasaur tank we all waited a few minutes then CHOMP the Mosasaur's wide jaws clamped around the shark as it splashed back Into the water drenching us all "woah!" Gray exclaimed I was surprised even Zach was smiling clapping "hold on tight everyone we're going to give you a closer look at our Mosasaur" the seats started going down as we saw the Mosasaur devour the remaining half of the shark before swimming off "oh my god" Gray was smiling and clapping "wanna see something else cool?" Zach asked
(Another time skip ladies and gents)
As we walked up to Gyropheres we walked in front of everyone else and made our way to the front where Keith was sat looking bored out of his mind Zach was staring at a bunch of girls and I felt a little jealous but why? I shook it off as Gray said "what do you think is gonna happen if you keep staring at them?" The girls giggled and got into the Gyrophere and drove off "have a nice ride ah Sophia baby how are you" he winked at me flirtatiously "how about you meet me at my apartment later tonight and we'll have some fun" I was getting very uncomfortable now when Zach placed his arm around my waist and glared at Keith "Sorry buddy she's taken now can you get us our ride and back off" Keith looked surprise and I smiled at Zach greatfully the next gyrophere appeared "but there's only two seats" Gray said "Sophia can sit on my lap" Zach said "oh ermm n-no that's okay I've been h-here my hole life I'll just wait for you here" I stuttered blushing furiously "now I want you to come please" Gray asked and I nodded sitting on Zach's lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist and we set off.

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