Chapter 2 Again!

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Ok so I'm updating again today because my last was really short so yea might leave this on a cliffhanger maybe or maybe not.

Grasers POV:


G.Heeeyyyyy Stacy want to make another Mineclash episode

S.Sure what time?

G.hmmm 3:30 or so.

S. Ok talk to you on teamspeak

---------End of text----------
Recap over

Graser's POV:

Ok so Stacy just said yes to Mineclash so let me get set up hmm computer on video camera ready teamspeak on hmm ready now all I need to do is log on Minecraft

*******11Minutes later********

"Ok Stacy are you there and is it all set up"

"Yep almost done we just need to start"


"Hey welcome to anther episode of Mineclash I'm here with Stacyplays! !!" Graser says excitedly

"Thank you Graser!"

-----2 hours later----

"NOOOO!!!" Screamed Stacy

"Yes I won!"

Stacy's POV:

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed

"Yes I won!" Screamed Graser

"Like always" I added in with a laugh.

"Well that's all for now thanks for watching Paige and Molly love go rescue a dog!"

As I shut of my camera

I hear Graser say "Hey Stacy how about we Skype sometime?" Graser asked,

"Sure I would love to." Stacy said hoping she didn't sound like she liked him.

"Want to Skype now?" Asked Graser

"Yea!"said Stacy

Graser POV:

Graser exited out of Teamspeak and got on Skype and called.

Ok that's all for now wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger next chapter will be on Friday or whenever I have time.


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