Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

After I stormed out I completely regretted it. How did I let that happen again? Last time I didn't control my bipolar Marcel stormed out and got kidnapped. I had promised myself I would think before anything came out of my mouth but obviously I had let my guard down and did something stupid.
I slumped into a chair that was outside Marcel's closed window and rested my head in my hands.
"Hey," a girls voice spoke from above me. I looked up to see a smiling Mackala. She sat down on the chair next to me and rubbed my back. "Are you alright?" She asked and I nodded sadly. "I don't think you are. What happened in there?" She asked sympathetically.
"Nothing. I just got a bit mad," I tried to play it cool. She raised her eyebrow at me and I could tell she knew I was lying. "Fine," I gave in. Might as well tell her. The whole world will know soon because of what I did to those to guys' cameras so I might as well tell a medical professional.
"I'm bipolar," I confessed, my tone of voice obviously sounding very rude because she looked a little offended. "Sorry," I mumbled but she shook her head.
"No, it's fine. Are you on medication for it?" She asked politely. I shook my head.
"No, I'm not. I could never afford it," I whispered embarrassed. Now she probably thinks I'm a poor hobo or something.
"Yeah, it is pretty expensive," she said, still rubbing my back. "But couldn't you have a parent or guardian pay for it. I'm sure they could afford it. You're only a teenager, you shouldn't have to pay for your own medical supplies," she said. I guess she's a little confused but I don't blame her, I would be too. Normal teen would have someone else pay for them.
"No. You know I'm an orphan, right?" I asked, wondering if she had heard what Harry had said on stage.
She nodded. "Yeah," she smiled.
"Yeah, well, I don't have parents to pay for it, the people at the orphanage don't know about my condition and my foster father would probably try make me as mad as he could if he knew. He didn't even give me dinner, you really think he'd pay over $150 for a bottle with only 50 capsules in it for me? You'd be crazy if you thought he would. That bottle doesn't even last a month if I were to has the required two pills a day," I said angrily. Every time I talk or even think about Dan I get so mad. How could he treat me like that? How did they even allow me to go home with him? He ruined my childhood.
"Well, if you'd like, I could pay for your first bottle."
When I heard that I sat up straight in shock. My eyes opened wide in amazement and confusion at her offer. "No. No I can't let you do that. Thank you so much for your offer but it's too much," I said in amazement. She hardly knows me and she's willing to pay for my medicine. She's such an amazing girl.
"It's only one day's pay with an hour overtime. I can get you a bottle easily. It's fine," she smiled.
"No. I-I can't let you do that."
"Sure you can," she said, standing up and walking over to the nurse's desk where she started to look through some papers behind the desk. I stood up and followed her over.
"Here," she slid a piece of paper across the desk to me. I looked down in confusion. "Fill this out and then I'll be able to get you the goods," she smiled and winked at me as she passed me a pen. I just stared at her in shock. She was actually serious about it. She's actually going to buy it for me.
I smiled and nodded before I started to fill out the sheet as best I could. She smiled at me as I filled it in.
I started to smile bigger, showing my teeth as I looked up at her.
"What?" She blushed, looking down shyly.
"You doing anything tonight?" I smiled at her. I couldn't believe I was actually going to ask this. I was a little nervous now that I'd said it but I couldn't help but to smiled more when she slowly shook her head.
"No. I'm not doing anything tonight," she blushed, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Good," I said, looking down and signing my name at the bottom of the script and sliding it back over to her. "That means you're free if I were to ask you out tonight," I blushed as I spoke. I haven't actually asked a girl out before so I was really nervous.
"Whether or not I'm free depends on of you are you asking me out or not." She said, looking up sheepishly. I blushed even more. This is so embarrassing and nerve wracking; I don't know how the people in the TV shows can do this all the time.
I nodded. "I guess I am doing something like that. Mackala, do you want to maybe," I stalled nervously. "Do you want to go out with me tonight?" God! I'm such a fool. This is so embarrassing.
She nodded and smiled. "I thought you'd never ask," she smiled, coming around to my side of the bench and kissing my cheek. "You have my number," she smiled. "My shift ends at 6," she blushed before she walked off down the hall. I watched as she strut down the hall, her ponytail swaying as she took each step.
Someone place a hand on my shoulder and I jumped in shock. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry smiling at me. "What was that all about?" He questioned, eyeing me up and down.
"I have a date," I smiled and shrugged like it was nothing. He doesn't need to know that that was the first time I asked a girl out and he defiantly doesn't need to know that it's my first date. I know him well enough by now to know that he'll embarrass me by making a big fuss out of it.
"You have a date?" He said as a big smile crept up on his face.
"Yes but it doesn't concern you. Anyway," I tried to change the subject. "I'm really sorry for what I did in there. Mackala said that she would pay for some medicine for me so I hopefully won't freak out anymore."
"Wait, if the reason you haven't had medication before is because you couldn't afford it why wouldn't you tell me? I could have easily helped you out, I just didn't know ," he said.
"No," I spoke. "I can't do that. That would be taking advantage of your money. What if the paparazzi found out? They wouldn't think I was a generally normal person like anyone else. They will see me for my appearance. The tattoos, the piercings, the hair. If they found out you were buying it for me they wouldn't even stop to think that maybe I actually need them," I said, releasing my true feelings. I've always know that I need medication and Marcel did offer to pay for it but I refused and he also told me that I should ask Harry for the money but I was scared. I am scared. My school reputation hasn't followed me here so I still have a shot at having a real life. Maybe even getting a good job. But if the paparazzi ruin that and make a new, bad reputation for me, everyone in Harry's fandom will think I'm using him and no one in Hollywood will ever consider hiring me. Scratch that, no one with internet will ever hire me. I'm not fully in it at the moment but the spotlight is scary. I love the fact that Harry is my brother but it does come with some scary down sides. I can't be myself without being judged by millions, I can't go out anymore without security so that means I can't go out privately (Fuck! Where am I supposed to take Mackala tonight?!?) and worst of all I can't pee outside any more. Life is just scary now. I don't know how else to put it.
"They'll think I'm some sort of addict who's using you and your money to buy myself drugs-"
"Edward," Harry interrupted me. "I wouldn't care if the paparazzi found out. I won't care if they think I'm delusional and wasting my money on an 'addict.' Edward I love you with all my heart and I don't care what other people think. If you need money you can have it, you just need to ask," he smiled and I nodded.
"Well," I said, looking at him shyly as he smiled at me. "I need some money so I can take Mackala out tonight," I smiled and he laughed a bit.
"I meant you could have as much money you needed for medical purposes but I guess you can have some money for tonight anyway," he laughed a little bit.
"Thanks. I'll pay you back if I ever get a job," I promised. "Anyway, how did the phone call go? Did you get on touch with Dalia?" I asked, suddenly remembering what we were actually here for.
"No. When Marcel wakes up I'll show him the picture of Dalia and if it's really her I'll call her back. So pretty much we're just waiting for him to wake up but I'm confident it's really her."
"Cool," I nodded.
"So ummmm, what do you want to do now?" Harry said awkwardly, slowly bouncing on the balls of his feet.
I shrugged and started to walk back to Marcel's room. I walked over to my chair which Harry must have picked back up and sat down. Harry also sat down on his chair.
I guess we just have to wait for Marcel to wake up again. I wonder how long that will take.

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