We we're sleepy, but now we're wide awake

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"Would you mind leaving me alone for once? I'm trying to get things done." Techno stared blankly at the child who stood next to him. The boy refused to leave Techno alone, and it was beginning to piss him off. The kid gestured to the farmland in front of them.

"This is totally not that important. I mean, farming potatoes? You can do that whenever." the child whined, and tugged at Techno's sleeve. "Come oooon, dude, let's go do something fun for once!"

"You say that as if I willingly hang out with you." Techno deadpanned, adjusting his crown.

"We never do anything fun."

"We? You're the one bothering me. If you want to go do something fun, go find something to do and leave me alone." Techno continued planting the potatoes, ignoring the kid's moaning.

"Fucking fine. Whatever, you're lame." he pouted, and sat on the floor next to where Techno was working.

"And yet you're still here."

"I have nothing else to do!"

Techno sighed, and ignored the child, hoping he would shut up and let Techno work. The peace lasted about five minutes, when the kid decided to speak up again.

"Why potatoes?" he inquired, clearly running out of topics to bother Techno with.

"Why not potatoes?" Techno threw back, frustrated.

"They're shit. Also, this is so boring! Why are you even doing this in the first place? You could come with me to the Nether, and we could find a fortress or something! That would be way cooler."

"I liked it more when you were being quiet."

"Fuck off!" the kid sneered.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth, kid?" Techno spat back, growing even more annoyed.

"My mother's dead." The kid paused, then continued, "And don't call me a fucking kid! I'm 10!"

Ignoring the dead mother comment, Techno rolled his eyes. "What should I call you, then?"

"My name."

"Which is?"

The boy looked offended, although if Techno squinted, there was a hint of hurt in his eyes. "We've known each other for weeks now, and you don't know my fucking name?"

"I didn't really care enough to ask. Plus, I wouldn't call you following me around like a lost dog 'knowing each other'. Do you even know my name?"

The kid stopped at that, and then held his hand out. "I'm Tommy. And I have not been following you around like a lost dog, don't say that!"

"Well, Tommy, I'm Techno, and I can say with certainty that you have, indeed, been pestering me like a seagull."

"My friend Tubbo lives near seagulls." Tommy mused.

"Well why don't you go bother him, and leave me in peace?"

"Did you fucking hear me, or are you just an idiot? I said he lives near seagulls. And we live very far from the sea. Clearly he doesn't live close enough for me to hang out with."

Techno blinked. That... made a lot of sense, actually.

"Well, don't you have any other friends?"

Tommy muttered something under his breath, but Techno couldn't hear. Tommy looked away, almost looking ashamed. Techno got the hint.

"So... you're bothering me because you're lonely?"

"I am not lonely!" A pause. "Well, maybe I am, but so what? You're so boring and I don't even want to be here."

Wholesome MCYT Oneshots | NO romanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora