Sev: cool

I sighed hard and put my phone up playing with the hoodie I had on as eek came down the stairs.

"Where's hope?" I ask looking at him.

"With grandma. wanna invite the gang over? We all haven't really talked since.."

"yea I know we can. Dior when is your brother coming?" 

"Y'all can meet him tomorrow." She says making me nod as eek texted the gc to come over.

2 hours later...

I open the door revealing everybody. 

"wassup" I say moving to the side letting them come in. 

"Yoo" they all say making way into the living room.

"Hey everyone" Dior says sitting next to me.

"ight lighten up. Sean wouldn't want us sitting around being sad so be tf happy." I say looking at everyone being quiet.

"she's right. We can't let that shit divide us." eek says sitting on the other side of me.

"weed?" mir ask taking out 5 blunts making us all laugh.

10 mins later...

We been chilling hitting blunt. Dior had her head rested on my lap on her phone while the rest of us talked.

"I invited my brother over today at 7." I say making everybody go quiet and look at me.

"what time is it now."

"6:30" mir says taking a pull from the blunt 

"Welppp we can chill until then." killa says making us all nod.

"so best  we all know you go both ways so wassup with you and good sis dior?" mir asked making us all bust out laughing. In reality I tell mir everything so he already knows how I feel towards her he just loves putting me on the spot.

"This is like my new best friend, but if she wanna bump cooters one day i'm down." I shrug making them all bust out laughing again as I played in diors hair.

Then we heard a knock and the door and eek opens it revealing sev.

"wassup y'all." He says nodding towards us.

"yooo." we all say.

"come sit down so we can all talk." I say making him nod and sit down.

"wait we staying?" mir dumbass asked like didn't I just say that.

"Duhh. He abandoned y'all too." I say rolling my eyes.

"I didn't abandon you." he says making me chuckle bitterly.

"That's actually exactly what you did. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if you woke me up to leave with you that night. I wonder if I would have been able to get away. I wonder how my life would be. I know I wouldn't have met dave but maybe I wouldn't been in a gang doing the shit I do at only 19." I rant.

"But i'm thankful, because I met them because of dave and this gang."

"These were my homies too. We grew up together." he says

"That's not the point. They didn't run you did. Why? Was it me?"

"sy.." he says sighing hard.

"what tf was it sev?!" I say semi-yelling

He shakes his head and sighs again.

"we all grown say what the fuck you got to say." 

He smacks his teeth before starting. "We were close. Mama hated that. She told me all the things you did." He says making me make a face.

"what the fuck did I do?" I say highly confused.

"You had sex with mama's boyfriends. Don't act like you don't know. She said you would be all over them so they can fuck you. That's where you got those bruises from. You liked it rough as she used to say. So you would get bruises until one day you got pregnant she said she-. She beat the baby out of you. I can't hold against you know that's why I came back and looked for you." He explains making me go black and everybody around me look at him crazy. 

"dior I suggest you move off of her." Eek says calmly to dior making her quickly sit up.

"Are you serious? That's why you left because you thought your sister was a hoe?" I say semi-yelling.

"I mean you were." he says shrugging. I instantly get up and go to the kitchen grabbing the biggest knife i could see. I go back in the living room trying to run up on him but eek quickly picks me up holding me back. I throw the knife instead hitting him in his hand making him yell in pain.

"Your "mom" is lying. She used to hit me for no real reason and she used to let her boyfriends rape me. I tried to tell you but of course you wouldn't listen cause she had you brainwashed. Like everybody else. I don't know why I called you over here. Your just like her. You have her dick so far up your ass you couldn't even see the shit that was right in front of you. So fuck you and your moms okay? Both of you can jump the fuck off of a cliff and die for all I care. I hope it's slow and painful." I yell going to the front door and opening it.

"Tf you sitting down for still? Get the fuck out my house before I do something i regret. You know I will." I says making him get up and stop in front of me.

"sy i'm sorry I didn't-" He starts but I cut him off.

"I don't give a fuck. Choke on your moms dick bitch." I say slamming the door in his face.

I go sit on the couch and let my thoughts take over. 

How many people she told that shit to? Why do she hate me so much ? I had million thoughts in my head but got snapped out of them by killa.

 "sy we said are you good?"

"i'm good."

To Be Continued...

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