A Reason [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

Yashiro and Amane flushes.

"E-Eh?! N-No, I am not!" Yashiro bursts out.

Amane just shakes his head rapidly.

"She's just a friend!" Amane adds.

Aoi giggles.

"Sigh, you two are stubborn, aren't you. Oh well. You guys should get going or else you'll miss lunch!" Aoi reminds the two, whilst taking off with Akane.


And she stayed awfully quiet once more after that incident.

I've realized Nene-san's been eating less as days pass by. I'm starting to get worried.

"N-Nene-san..." I call out to Nene. She was focused on her phone.

"Yes Amane-kun?" Nene-san asks, raising her head up to my direction.

"A-Are you sure you ate enough...? Y-You barely touched your bento..." I asked with worry and concern in my voice. Atleast I think so.

Nene-san just smiled.

"Yes. I did eat enough, no worries!" Nene-san assures me.

But I don't trust her.

"Nene-san... You barely touched your rice and meat..." I remind her.

She then looks down at her food.

Yashiro's POV

Amane-kun's right...

I haven't been eating right lately...

I look down at my food, he was right. I just ate the vegetables I put in. I ate two pieces of meat and my rice was barely touched.

But I nod my head nevertheless.

"Mhm! I'm just not hungry. I ate a lot at breakfast this morning." I follow with a small laugh.

That was a lie

I haven't ate breakfast. I overslept and barely had anytime to eat nor drink.

But he seemed to buy it. But he still had a doubtful look on his face.

"A-Alright, Nene-san..." Amane responds

(Normal POV)

It stays quiet once again. Then Amane breaks the silence.

"Just because you have fat ankles doesn't mean you should eat less, Nene-san." Amane mumbles under his breath. Yashiro heard it.

But she played dumb.

"H-Ha? Wh-What was that, Amane-kun?" Yashiro asks, looking at him with the best confused look she could give.

Amane's eyes widened, then narrowed.

"You shouldn't be torturing youself just for the pleasure of others!" Amane shouts. His head down, cheeks flushed.

"You should do whatever you do out of your desire. Not someone else's." Amane adds. He feels a wave of embarassment, but it was worth it.

Yashiro stares at Amane with wide eyes.

"You shouldn't be concerned about the opinions of others." Amane raises his voice.

"Your health is more important." Amane says that while stuffing a big rice ball in his mouth.

"E-Eh?! Y-You're going to choke on that!" Yashiro panics.

"If your gonna die of starvation then I'm gonna die due to choking!" Amane yells, as he was about to stuff another whole rice ball in his mouth, Yashiro picks up her bento.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going to eat! Please just don't commit suicide!!!" Yashiro cries, with pleading eyes as she gobbles up her food.

Yashiro was pouting and Amane was giggling.

"You really don't wanna lose your friend, huh, Nene-san?" Amane asks as he slowly chews on his rice balls.

"I-I mean..." Yashiro muffles, food stuffed in her mouth. "Y-Your the first friend I've ever made in first year. Why would I lose you know?" Yashiro answers, still pouting.

Amane lets out a laugh.

"Wh-What's so funny?!" Yashiro scowls, a little embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry. Its just that, you're cute when you do that." Amane responds.

"Do what?" Yashiro asks again.
"Everything that you did just know." Amane smiles at Yashiro.

Yashiro blushes. With an annoyed look, she returns to her food.

"I'm sure there's a reason they bully you, Nene-san. Maybe they're envious or something." Amane explains.

"You're funny, but, no one bullies me because they're envious of something." Yashiro chuckles.

"B-But I'm sure-" Amane was cut-off.

"There's nothing to be envious about me. What then? My ankles? My grades? Pah!" Yashiro says calmly.

"Amane-kun, people in this school don't bully because they're envious. They bully because they find one thing about that person that the person hates, then rubs it in their face. That's all." Yashiro returns to her food.

Amane couldn't do anything but stare at her in disbelief.

But then again...

She could be right...

But he wasn't going to give up yet.

'I'll find out what they hate about Nene-san.'


Sorry for a short chapter. I wanted to make a long fanfiction TwT

Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter!!!

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