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Malleable, ductile, strong, sturdy.

"And who might we have here?" Asked a tall boy. He wore viridescent outfit with tall leather boots, all looking to be made by hand. I cast my gaze at him and noticed the colour of his eyes matched mine, a dark, enchanting green most often seen from tropical rainforests or aloe-vera plants. I regained my upright posture and turned to flee but the boy grabbed my arm instantaneously. 

"I'm afraid you're not going anywhere love." He said.

Suddenly, a large group of boys surrounded me in a circle and stared down on me. They were all taller than me and looked a lot more violent, I felt unsafe so I asked, "What is it that you want from me?"

One of the boys only responded with, "It's not what we want from you, It's what we need from you." That was all I remember before everything went black. 

Sometime later, I am not sure how long. I woke in a cage made from top to bottom in bamboo. Bamboo is a malleable material; easy to manipulate, ductile; easy to mould, strong; easy to find use for, and sturdy; almost perfect for cages. The first being its weakness. I thought to myself, "idiots" and I began to peel away the strips of the bamboo beneath me. I noticed that the cage was not on the ground, but up in the hair hanging onto a tree and swinging in motion every time I shifted space. The cage was large but uncomfortable and the pipes of bamboo was an unfortunate choice of building matter. 

I spotted the boy in green along with another with a hood and a bat walking towards the cage I was in. The boy in the hood began to pull a string and I felt my cage beginning to drop slowly. I realised if they saw the stripped bamboo I would be done for so I sat over the small hole I had made and hid the strips behind me. Once the cage hit the bottom, the boy with green eyes peered through the bars and said, "Pan, my name is Peter Pan."

"Interesting name." I responded.

"Yours?" He quickly asked.

"Cassie Davis." I answered, with caution.

Peter opened the cage and gestured for me come out. Slowly, again, I began to step out of the cage. Of course I didn't trust him, I mean he chased me for hours on end and once he caught me he trapped me in a cage. He put his hand out, probably a sign for me to grab it, but i denied and looked down. There was a moment of silence before Peter said to the other boy, "Felix, go and watch the lost boys, we will join you soon enough." With that, Felix began to leave. He tilted his head towards me, allowing me a moment to examine a long scar down the right side of his face before changing his gaze towards the long, winding path ahead of him.

"Now, Cassie." Peter started, "I told you before, we need something from you."

"And what might that be?" I responded.

"You." He answered.  "If you would care to join me for a walk, I could elaborate further?" I agreed in desperate need of answers. What do they need from me? How did I land here? Why is the earth so far away?  Although the walk started silent.

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