Chapter: 1

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Wanda stood looking out to the river passing by as the sun was setting. She had been talking to Clint about Nat and Vision but he had gone back to the cabin to speak with his family. Wanda looked down to the water flowing by and thought about the fact that she was here to moan Tony Stark of all people. She never thought she would ever moan him giving the history of Tony and stark industries but after the events of Ultron she had somewhat found herself respecting him a little though that was soon undone following the battle in Germany but after everything that happened with Thanos and his sacrifice that battle in Germany felt like nothing but a distant memory. She stood there for a few moments watching the sunset when a voice spoke behind her. "You ok miss?" wanda heard and turned to see a man in his early 20's with dark brown come and stand next to her. "Do I know you?" Wanda asked speaking softly. She didn't want to seem rude at all but she was confused as to who this man was. "Oh sorry I guess it was a few years since we actually meet each other and even then we didn't exactly get off on the best note during that battle in Germany" Wanda looked at him confused for a moment. She knew that he was referring to the battle at the airport but she does not recall seeing this guy there at all. She thought for a moment before she remembered there was a guy with Tony in a red and blue spandex swinging around and claiming walls there. 'was that him?' she thought before speaking. "You are that Spider-Guy aren't you?" Wanda asked him. "Spider-Man... but I'm Peter... Peter Parker" he held out his hand for her to shake to which she did. "Wanda Maximoff" she said then let go off of his hand. There was a moment of silence between before Wanda spoke. "So why are you over here? Talking to me?" she asked him curiously. "well everyone else has either left or is inside the cabin yet you are out here all alone and I wanted to make sure you're ok?" He said to her to witch Wanda looked away and back out to the river. "I'm fine.... just thinking about someone" She spoke in a soft and sad tone. "about Tony?" he asked. "About.... someone I loved.... and lost" she didn't look to him and kept her view on the river. There was a moment before Peter spoke. "I know what it's like to lose someone you but truth is that...there not really gone... they live on through all the memories we have of them... as long as we remember them... there never really gone" Peter voice had a hint of heartbreak in it's tone. Wanda didn't reply she just kept her gaze away from him and stood there letting the words he said wash over her. After a minute of silence Wanda turned to thank Peter only to find him not there and she was now alone. Wanda began to think about who that boy really was. 'was that real? Was he real? Or was he a guardian angel?" Wanda didn't know the answer but felt grateful for the kind words he had spoken.

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