Bonus chapter: The wedding

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Hayden smiled, "It's true we haven't seen Rouge since she's been up north. But do you think Charles will be able to go, Victoria is almost at the end of her pregnancy."

"Ah, that's right I forgot. Charles will definitely stay with her, it's too risky to have Victoria travel." Hippolyte replied, "Anyway, we're going, right?"

Hayden reassured him, there were other swordmasters in the castle who could replace him, he just had to make arrangements with them.


The royal castle in Moby's kingdom was larger than the one in Loguetown, certainly due to the fact that Marco's father had adopted fifteen children.

Hippolyte and Hayden arrived first, Charles having asked his brother to act as his representative. He had entrusted him with the gifts and a letter for his father, and asked him to make sure that everything went well on the side of helping Moby.

Oh sure, they weren't the only delegation sent, his brother had sent several nobles, as well as some of the more progressive members of the council. They had also been joined by Rayleigh, who had also received an invitation, which was not really a surprise, as Rayleigh was Ace's godfather and one of his ministers until he decided to retire.

In any case, there were many people to welcome them. Ace, Marco and Marco's son, Edward, as well as several servants were there; Edward greeted them as was protocol, then left them in the hands of Ace and Marco and the servants who hurried to unload the luggage and show their guests their rooms.

Ace and Marco stayed behind with Hippolyte and Hayden. "Welcome, boys. Oh, I'm so glad to see you." Ace said as he took his son and son-in-law in his arms. "How was your trip? Did you have any trouble? Did you stop a lot? Which way did you take?"

"Sweetheart, calm down." Marco intervened, putting his arms around his shoulders, he kissed him on the cheek; then he turned to Hip and Hayden "You must be tired, how about we show you to your room, so you can get some rest? We can catch up over dinner." Marco offered.

Hayden smiled "That would be great, it's been a long trip."

"Alright, come on let's get you to your room." Marco motioned for them to follow him and Ace to their room in the east wing on the second floor of the castle.


"Rouge!!!" Hippolyte shouted, he had seen her coming from his bedroom window; Hayden was taking a nap, and Hippolyte didn't want to explore the castle by himself. He looked out the window and saw his sister riding through the castle gates.

Rouge smiled and caught her brother in the air as he threw himself into her arms. "Hip, you're here already? I thought I'd be the first to arrive."

"About three hours you were." He replied, smiling, he pulled her into a tight hug. "It's been so long since we've seen each other."

"Since your wedding. In any case, being married suits you well. Where is Hayden anyway?"

"Sleeping. The trip wore him out." Hippolyte replied.

"And Dad?"

"I don't really know, he should be back soon."

Just as Hippolyte finished this sentence, Ace appeared with Marco behind him. He too took his daughter in his arms, and made the introductions "Rouge, I present you Marco, my fiancé" Ace said, blushing as he added these last words.

Until We Meet Againحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن