6 | home sweet home

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"Yeah, otherwise her ass would've been out here with a marching band." he tittered, putting the car in part and stepping out. That was true - Marley never failed to go above and beyond when I returned, but I always appreciated it. It felt nice to be missed.

I grabbed my luggage out of the truck and whisked it up the walkway where Ron was already unlocking the double doors. Immediately, the smell of sweet honey cornbred and cabbage lifted me off of my feet and brought me to the kitchen, where Marley, ubeknownst to my company continued to sway around the island with her cooking spoon following the same tune as Mary J Blidge played loudly.

My second oldest sister, Jalisa, also hadn't been aware of my presence - too busy taste testing the fried chicken that was cooling off on the papertowel which was to no surprise.

I finally broke my silence, "So this how y'all welcome your little brother back?"

Marley snapped her head around, her dancing ceased, "Micah!"

"What's up Ley?" I welcomed her into a warm hug, and Jalisa stood to receive hers next, "Lis, you home for the holidays too?" I asked.

She nodded, mouth full of food.

"What are you doing home so early? I wasn't expecting to see you for at least another week and a half." Marley twisted her mouth into a frown.

I twisted mine the same, picking up arm to show the brace.

"I got injured mid game...so here I am. I told Ron not to tell you, so it could be a surprise....surprise?"

Her eyebrows knitted together, almost as if my coming home early was an inconvienance for her. She glanced over to Jalisa - the two communicating with their eyes as if I couldn't see them with my own.

Before I could ask what was up with the two, Ron strolled in and blurted out, "What the fuck is up with y'all?"

I half scoffed, half laughed, "I was about to ask the same thing."
More silence.
Yeah, they were acting weird as hell, but I was too tired from my flight to even try to figure out my sisters. They had their own little bond.

"Well it was good seeing y'all. I'm going to head up and take a nap before the kids get in from school." I said, knowing the first thing the twins would want to do is talk my ear off about sports.
They were always so intrigued with my game stories, and I loved going on about them, if I was being honest.

"Wait," Marley called after me before I could exit the kitchen, "You should stay, we have some...news. It's exciting...kind of."

"You pregnant?" I smirked.

Coughing, Ron squinted his eyes in her direction as if he himself was waiting for an answer.
Marley rolled her eyes at his dramatic ass, "No. Hell no....but anyway, it was Jalisa's idea so she's going to tell you."

Turning away, she began to wash a few random plates in the sink to obviously avoid the conversation. Jalisa widened her eyes at me, her mouth ajar.

"What is it?" stepping forward, I steeled myself.

"Now Micah, I know that what I'm asking is...some would say crazy, but you know, what even is crazy, like what is the definition of craz-"
"Kayla lost my mother's house in some weird tax scheme and now she doesn't have a place to stay so we told her she can stay here for a month." she hurried out.

Ron butted in, "And when was y'all gonna run it by me?"

"Well you didn't exactly tell me Micah was coming home early, we thought we had a little time to tell you. It's not like we don't have room in the guest house," Marley pointed out, "So...Micah...how do you feel about it?"

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