Into enemies ground

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        That night was the best i’ve had in a long time,a new friend made, an opposing officer caught,and the best dinner since this war started.

        The captins bunker had roasted chiken and mashed patetoes gravy and asparagest.It was’t as good as homes but hey it beats stale bread.

        “So josh, this is abe,as you know, the commander of the reinfocement’s.”the commanding offecer said.”So abe what happened to the reast of the rienforcments.”

        “well the thing is they knew we were coming somehow the ditches were riged with grenades spiked doors all the traps we knew of were around every corned i remember all of thier names like they passed away yesterday… “he started drifting off.

        “Well um sir they did pass away yesterday.”i told him uneasly.

        “acually now that you say it they did pass away yesterday.hmmm… Well all tunnles rigged with traps.I lost every last one.”

        “Well.” the officer said regaining his edgy tone.”One last misson for you two.everything is ready we just need you to do the last part. you need to go into enimies ground.”he paused and then wisperd so we could barally hear.”I have a packege I need you two to deliver to thier doorstep but it’s very fragile,ok so out side your dormatory thier will be an pickup truck it will take you two young boys to thier very core thier will hopfully be a very camoflauged bunker leading about 50 feet under ground set the packege down at the bottom it will send them and thier thier ditches and bukers back to hell.”

        “well on that happy note good night.”i mutterd

        “wake up,wake up,wake up,wake up!!”

        “watchap aba!!”

        “Ow.”abe complained.

        “sorry that i kicked you, well a little sorry,but what was that for?”I said back

        “well the trucks here.But you can go back to sleep if you want and skip the most importan misson of you life.”

        “Ok,awww… good night…..wait!!THE truck!?!”I cried out. “ok let’s go.”

        A tip for any furture unknown stelth missons leave before everyone goes to bed.Because navagaiting throught mazes of sleeping peaple is alot harder than it look’s.

        I heard sevral crunch!es on others fingers.some soldgers may not be “trigger happy”tomorrow.

        When we finally pushed open the door into the tunnles.Another young man stumbled backwards and landed on his bum.we yanked out our swords and…”Wait!”yelled abe

        I lowerd my gun.”But how do we know if he’s a spy or not.”

        “wait!” yelled the man ”Don’t shot i have an milatary acsess card here somewhere”He started shuffleing throught his bag me and abe came closer without lowering our guns.”Got it.”He said pulling out an thin card and whipping around so fast he almost turned himself in to a really big shiskabob.Yum?”watch the blade watch the blade please he said handing me the card that i gave to abe.

        “It’s true.His ID is real.But back to buissness”Abe conliued causually whiping out his sword potinting it tip below his neck. “Why are you here?”Abe asked.The man broke into a wicked mischevios grin.

        “Why.To end this war of course.”

        When we all got loaded into the truck.some thing in the back caught abes attention.

        "Oh my go... " abe was about to say

        "No nada no swering please,but what's the problem."I asked 

        "No wonder this will end the war it will end everyone."He pulled back the cloth and it showed it's secrets.gleaming in steel and all of it's unholy glory was an bunker buster only used by the highest milatary agent's.

        "Wow he really must think were good"I mutterd 

        "What?"Abe asked

        "Nothing"I added quickly.

        Soon my natral suspition kicked in. We were guliding smothly through eneime territory, Avoiding all trap's, None sprang up in front of us and the bunker's were still in sight. It seemed a little to perfect.

        " Um... sir,driver..."

        " It's trevis."

        " Yeah.Whatever but how do you know where we are going?" I shoot at him smartly.

        "Oh. Well this map of course." He beam's back holding an tatterd piece of smoothed leather.

         Man Ireally need to not let peple read my emation's like that it keep's on backfiring.

        Something scurring across the sterring wheel caught my eye, I looked closer to see the driver's hand creeping, toward's the end of the wheel, reaching for the horn. Another movement ! At the bottom of the seat his hand grasping the air for the grenade.

        That's when the big jigsaw puzzle final made sense Assembling the word. Betrayal... I tryed to rip my gaze away but not before he saw me. I Saw an expression flash across his face, relife?, terror?,happyness? I didn't know. I baraly had time to say "watch out." before the truck tipped over. 

        First aid kit's, food, backpacks and gun's cascaded on us. I knew enought to hold on sadly Abe didn't. Through the chaos he was thrown toward's the door. The lock clicked open gripping the frame Abe was thrown out the window. when the truck settled I baraly had time before i heard the pin drop.

        "Into the back!' I screamed thank goodness he understood.We huddled underneath the metal...


        The sound of the explosion was enought to make my ear's bleed. Luckly it didn't last to long. Abe and me jumped up yanked off the burning sheet off the bomb. And ran as far away as we could, we were out of trucks, out of amo and out of time. what were we to do?

        The sun came on the end of the horison and just in time to solve our problem's before us. A gleamind hatch hiden in a small pile of sand... The camoflauced bunker! We rushed up the hill opened the hatch and gatherd for a plan.



        Me and my roomate rushed out to see what the racket was and when we got to the hatch we sure found out.

        "That stupid idiot, trevis droped it!" The ground helped prove that the hallway for a while off was coated with cocane.

        "might as well see if thier is anything left." I said 

        I jabed my knife in.Black powder poured out.Ooopppssss... wrong side.


        BBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's when me and Abe flew up,up,up up. Then down,down,down. A lake appered in our way.The compact was jarring. But i could still get up.Then i realized... Which way is up?!? After all of this this is how i'll die... Then it when't black. Well blacker...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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