Chapter 9: Traumatic Memories

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"Kokuro!" Akahito screams through the trees.

Both of the kids jump in shock. Akahito storms from the tree he was hiding behind; he is completely enraged.

"Brother!" Kokuro exclaims.

The group sits by the bushes near the river; watching everything unfolds. "What are you doing??" Akahito screams, "You are to be wed by the end of the day!"

"I'm sorry!" Kokuro says apologetically, "Please don't tell anyone!! I beg of you!"

Completely engulfed in his anger, Akahito screams at Kokuro "That's not good enough! What if someone finds out about this?? I will be dragged back into this miserable family! You will not ruin my chance to get away!"

Akahito glares at the little girl and says in a dark tone "I have to take care of this problem myself"

Akahito takes a step forward, but Kokuro stands in between him and the girl; his arms completely extended to the side.

"No!" He shouts, "I will not let you hurt her!"

"Out of my way!" Akahito shouts back.

Kokuro clenches his fist and dashes forward. Akahito quickly grips Kokuro's wrist and swings him to the side. Kokuro skids on the ground, but immediately gets up and charges again. Before he can react, Akahito appears right in front of Kokuro. He whispers into Kokuro's ear "Maybe someday you can break away too"

Akahito quickly drives his knee into Kokuro's stomach. Kokuro's eyes widen with the instant shock of pain. He falls to his knees, clutching his gut. Kokuro vomits and gags as he desperately tries to catch his breath. Akahito slowly starts to walk towards the defenseless Kokuro. Kokuro tries to stand but is in too much pain. He looks up at Akahito who slowly raises his foot. Akahito then presses the heel of his boot onto Kokuro's side and pushes as hard as he can. Kokuro skids and rolls on the ground from the force. Akahito continues to slowly walk towards Kokuro.

"I'm sick of the tension," he says, "I am sick of the misery. I am sick of you doing only what you want!"

Suddenly, the little girl charges at Akahito with all of her might. She holds a long wooden staff. Akahito quickly turns and grips the staff. He jerks it away from her and throws it on the ground behind him. Akahito slowly walks up to the little girl; sweat pours down her head as she frantically looks around for a way out. Akahito drives his fist into her gut. She clutches her stomach and begins to dry heave. Before she can vomit anything, Akahito brings his left hand forward and swings it back. The back of his hand hits the girl's cheek with such a force that she does a complete rotation as she stumbles to the ground. Kokuro's eyes fill with rage. He quickly gets up and picks up the staff that is on the ground. He charges at Akahito screaming at the top of his lungs. He swings the staff at Akahito but fails. Akahito quickly turns and chops Kokuro's arm; loosening the grip on the staff. Then Akahito swings his knee up and sends the staff into the air out of Kokuro's hand. Akahito then punches Kokuro in the cheek with all of his might. Kokuro falls to the ground but is slowly getting up despite his arms completely shaking. Akahito scoffs and raises his hand in the air. The staff lands perfectly in his palm. Akahito then swings the staff down as fast as he can onto Kokuro's back. With the impact, Kokuro hits the ground with a loud thud; the staff breaks in half from the sheer force of the attack. Akahito throws his half of the broken staff to the ground and slowly starts to walk towards the little girl. She is shaking in absolute fear; tears start to form in her eyes.

Kokuro, still struggling to get up, mutters something to himself. Akahito hears, but disregards it and continues forward. Kokuro slowly regains his footing and starts to stand; again muttering something to himself. Akahito stops and turns to look at Kokuro. Kokuro's head snaps up and glares at Akahito with absolute hatred.

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