The beginning of the unknown

Start from the beginning

“But also just because you two have a baby together, doesn’t mean you have to get back together.”

Joey raised her eyebrow at Bessie. “What does that mean?” She asked her sister. “Well, most people who get pregnant at a young age think that just because they are having a baby means they have to be together and let me be the first to tell you. If you do that to your child, you will not be teaching him or her anything about love because they will think that’s what love looks like because their parents taught them that.” Bessie explained to her as she wiped Joey’s tears from her cheek.

“What if I want to do adoption?”

“If that is what you want to do, then you need to do some research and then talk to Pacey.”

Joey then looked at the ceiling and then sighed. “Will you support me?” Joey asked with a low scared tone in her voice. “Always,” Bessie said as she took Joey’s hand. Joey looked down and smiled at her. At least she knew one person would be by her side throughout all this. “But I am still going to get Pacey when he walks through this house,” Bessie told her with a serious face. “Very much noted,” Joey whispered with a laugh.

It was quiet as Joey rested her head on Bessie’s shoulder. “How come you were up anyway?” Joey asked her sister. “I could hear you from across the hallway for the past two hours. Let me just be the first to say, that our paying customers would probably really be disliking this place if they weren’t all upstairs and weren’t away from you.”

Joey gave her a soft smile and took Bessie’s hand. “Thank you for helping me,” Joey whispered. “Do you need me to go to that Doctor’s appointment on Tuesday with you?” Bessie asked her. “I think I need to handle it on my own for now, but I will ask if I need it,” Joey told her with a small smile.

“Well, I am going back to bed,” Bessie said as she got up but was stopped by Joey taking her hand. “Can you stay with me for a while?” Joey asked softly. “Of course,” Bessie said as she sat back down with Joey and rubbed her back gently as Joey put her head against the toilet seat as the pain started to come back to her.

It was a small step but Bessie knew it was Joey’s way of stepping out of her comfort zone and asking for help.

July 10,2001

As Joey sat in the doctor’s office she felt her heart beating out of her chest as she stared at the posters around the room. One had caught her eye for the longest time, this poster was explaining everything that was happening in her body each month of the pregnancy. Joey swallows in fear of getting sick but she knew it wasn’t due to morning sickness. It was due to the fears that continued to reach her head.

What if she couldn’t be a good mom? What if she did do abortion, would that make her a terrible person? What if she put the baby up for adoption and she couldn’t give her baby up? What if Pacey hated her for this pregnancy? What if he didn’t want adoption if she wanted it?

Suddenly, Joey’s thoughts became too much so she grabbed her phone to call the one person who she would have never thought to call five years ago.

“Hey, Jen,” Joey whispered as her tears gently came down her face. “Hey, Joey what’s up?” Jen said to her. “Do you think you can come to the doctor's right now with me?” Joey asked her.

“Yeah, sure. Where is it?” Jen asked her. “It’s at the hospital near us, on the right side level fourteen,” Joey whispered. “I will be there in ten,” Jen said and hung up the phone.

Joey sighed as she then laid on the bench and closed her eyes. It was the first time in the past three weeks, where she could feel herself breathe and hear herself think. She thought about Pacey, how he would love and take care of her. How he would cook for her, talk about their future children with her, and show his love for her. A sudden memory came up at Joey that brought comfort and warmth to her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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