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I'm deep in thoughts and I'm brought back to earth by the sound of my door bell.

Yaaay my delivery is HERE. I walk to the door smiling ear to ear this is gonna be an awesome day . I open the door to find a man standing at my door facing the opposite direction.

"yes how may I help you?"

I try to act as Courageous as possible but I'm no fun of strangers I mean who is? He turns around and I end up flying into his arms. It's Benny my long lost friend .

"I can't breath " he mumbles

"you can die for all I care, where have you been you chose to abandon me? It's been months? no
years " I say frowning

"why are laughing?" I ask him.

" Kandy you haven't changed a bit and it's only been a few months " I punch him lightly on his arm.

"come inside stupid" I lead him to the couch and we sit facing each other.

Benny is a dark skinned guy well not dark I could say he has a chocolate complexion. He has blue eyes, pink lips and some beards on his chin, he got no sidebands and I'm always teasing him because of it. He got a really nice haircut I must say.
He is wearing a pink shirt tucked into his blue jeans accompanied with black official shoes.

He really looks good!

He must have been working out he got himself some packs. He didn't have them back in college.

" I missed you Kandy " he says reaching for my hand.

" Being silent and going away with no trace is what people do when they are missing their friends Huh? "

"Kandy? "

"Don't Kandy me," I shoot back.

"I'm sorry for leaving I shouldn't have left." he says facing anywhere but me.

"so what should I offer you?" I say changing the topic atleast he is here now . I stand up picking up the things he had brought me while heading to the kitchen.

" coffee, " he answers.

"There really ain't any at the moment, I haven't prepared breakfast yet."

"I got it" he says standing up.

" why haven't you prepared breakfast yet, I mean it's eight , you always got a crazy appetite".

He says laughing and I join in the laughter. He follows me along to the kitchen, I lean on the
counter while he prepares something for himself.

" I had ordered some pizza and it's taking forever, what? stop looking at me like that , I say
pointing my belly.

"congratulations when are you due?".

"A couple of weeks ".

" I thought you were just carrying around loads of fats you know " he says giggling.

"Come on Benny!" face palm.

There is an awkward silence between us, he is staring at my tummy while clenching his fist.

Broken Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora