||Chapter Two||

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You ran a hand through you hair as you groaned, shifting under your blankets. The stress of owning a bar was getting to you in the form of sleepless nights.
You kicked off your blankets to place your feet on the cold hardwood floor.

What a great way to start the day.

Your toes feeling like they were going to fall off, you dragged yourself into the kitchen to make a well needed coffee.

You sat half-asleep at your kitchen island, your full mug threatening to drop from your loose grip. It was a Friday, meaning business would be booming and it'd be bustling and busy and crowded.

Just what you needed.

It was Tuesday evening that you helped Colt home to his apartment. You knew he'd probably be in for a drink later tonight. You sighed, knowing that the blonde never really left your thoughts and it bothered you to no end. You got up slowly to look out at the city, sun slowly making it's way up the horizon. You matched it's pace; sluggishly dragging yourself around to get ready for the day.

Sliding your feet into your shoes and shoving your hands into your jacket you made your way out the door and down the street. You had a good spot; close to the bar, close to the shops, close to your friends and far away from family.

You tilted your head back, lungs taking in the cold morning air. Walking along the familiar road, you stopped to turn into a little tea shop, like you did every morning.

"Yeager. Usual I presume?" The minute I stepped inside he asked.
"Yessir." You drawled, rolling your eyes before slumping into a seat. He walked over a few minutes later, a noise of disappointment escaping his lips as he looked at you.

"What shortie? Dontcha got better things to do than be unpleasant first thing in the morning?" You took the drink in your hands and sipped at it.
"(Y/n). Don't make me hate you as much as I do your brothers." He said as he sat down across from you.

"Aww, Levi. Am I your favourite Yeager?" You didn't change your facial expression or tone making him roll his eyes and take a bite out of your breakfast. You narrowed your eyes at this.

"Tch I suppose you are. You're not as annoying as Eren and you don't have a disgusting piss kink like Zeke." He replied making you laugh.

"Yeah my family has issues. How's business going?" You ask starting on your breakfast.
"It's going steady. I'm not overwhelmed or anything, I have all the regulars and I have enough other customers to keep me going, you know?" You nodded in understanding.

"Yeah. I've been a little bit stressed over work." You murmured, fingers tracing the wood grain of the table.

"You work alone idiot. You should try hiring staff." He suggested. You knew he was right.

"Yeah but like... I don't wanna have to go through the process of that stuff." You sighed. He rolled his eyes.
"You know, for an extremely successful bar owner, you sure are a good for nothing lazy toad." His response made you laugh lightly.

"It's good to know that you don't change Levi." You smiled crookedly and he returned it.

The two of you talked for a while before you got up and stretched your arms.
"Alright you grumpy imp, I gotta get going." You said, walking up to the counter. You held your phone out to pay and the second the transaction went through, you turned to leave.

"See you Monday you oaf." Levi said. Without turning around you raised a hand over your shoulder in a wave.

You walked a little further down before arriving at the bar. You sighed and shoved the key in the lock, opening the door and entering. Turning the heater on, you grabbed a mop, rolled up your sleeves and got to work.

Cleaning and maintenance didn't take too long but you only did it three times a week. With your level of laziness, you probably would've done it less if not for Levi giving you lectures backed up with unsettling and disgusting facts. It was around twelve pm when you decided to take a break to go get lunch. Slipping on your jacket and grabbing your phone, you locked the door and walked a little further downtown.

"(Y/n)!" You saw a mop of brown hair before the figure tackled you in a hug.
"Hey Sasha. How's it going?" You asked as you hugged her back.
"I'm good, you?" She asked, walking with you to the counter.
"Sasha can you come here for a sec?" A voice called from the kitchen.
"Coming!" She apologised to you before skipping to the kitchen.

You tapped your fingers on the table waiting for her to return. She did and she came back with another person.
"Hey (Y/n). It's been a while." He spoke. As usual, he didn't express much emotion, which was probably why the two of you got along so well.

"Hey Niccolo. Yeah it has been a while. I've missed your cooking." You smiled softly. Sasha laughed and hugged his side.
"His cooking is the best." She looked at him happily and he blushed and kissed the top of her head.

"Anyways, what can I get you today?" Niccolo asked. You hummed in thought.
"Sasha, you decide." You turned to the young woman.

"We're working on a peach and prosciutto salad, wanna try it? Maybe you can be our taste-tester." She said excitedly. Niccolo laughed.
"Calm down my love. Does that sound alright?" He turned to you for the last bit. You smiled and nodded, allowing the two to make their leave to the kitchen.

The restaurant wasn't usually very busy during the day, but it was by far the most popular dining spot in the area. Probably the city.

Your food was served and you ate, not getting to talk to the two as the lunchtime rush hour was coming through. But when you got up to pay, you said goodbye.
"We'll have to come by for a drink sometime." Sasha said with a smile. You nodded.
"Sash, did you give her half off like usual?" Niccolo called from the kitchen.
"Yep!" She replied.
"See you guys soon!" You said with a wave, walking out the door.

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