"That's right. Now we still have no idea who that person is and why he has his eyes on you." The more Lonemoon spoke, the more stern his expression became. "Before we find out, you'd better not leave our side. Or rather, you'd better not leave Shen Ying's side."

"Alright, your disciple understands." Xuan Tong's eyes brightened, as if she had just won a huge prize. "I will definitely not leave Sect Master!"

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Yi Qing: "..."

Lonemoon: "..."

Suddenly, Lonemoon and Yi Qing realised that they might have made a mistake. Could they really safely return to the immortal realm?

Lonemoon nudged the woman next to him who was chewing on a fruit. "Shen Ying, why are you..."

Before he could finish, Shen Ying's eyes brightened. She answered loudly, "I remember!"

"What?" The group of them jumped. What did you remember?

Shen Ying turned and pointed to the person next to her. "So you are that Furball!"

Yi Qing: "..."

Lonemoon: "..."

Xuan Tong: "..."

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Bai Ze: "..."

You're just freaking remembering him now?


Bai Yun Mountain was Bai Ze's abode. While Thousand Feet Mountain was filled with cold and hard crystal peaks,, Ling Tai Mountain was filled with cloud seas, Wu Qi Mountain was filled with greenery and the Dragon Abyss was filled with volcanoes, Bai Yun Mountain was exceptional. In between the layers of clouds stood a blindingly white temple. All around it was blue God Power. The place just did not feel as cold and intimidating as the other Supreme Divinities' places. All along the way, the group saw various types of immortal beasts. Among them, there were also many divine beings.

Only then did Lonemoon and his companions have time to understand the basic story behind the Divine Underworld. It was very different from the immortal realm – the Divine World's people were by nature more buddha like. They had no concept of territory. There were no complicated divisions into continents. The ordinary divine being went wherever he pleased, as long as he did not invade others' homes. The Divine World not only had the various divine beings but also had formidable beasts, gentle beasts, and strange wildlife. There were also some immortal cultivators who turned into mortal divinities. They were the ones who had been left behind when the immortal realm and divine realm split.

All the divine beings were of various cultivation levels. Among them, the four divine races were the strongest – dragons, phoenixes, Qilins and black turtles. The only thing was that Qilins and black turtles already became extinct since the ancient times. Dragons and phoenixes never got along and often found themselves in fights against each other.

In sum, the divine realm was a free-range place. It was no wonder that it fell out with the immortal realm. It had so much power, yet it ended up connecting itself to the Underworld instead of making it to the end with the Immortal Realm.

Among all the divine beings, there were only five people who were fit to be called Supreme Divinities. Lonemoon could not figure out if this was purely a coincidence, but Shen Ying and the rest had come into contact with every single one of them. Needless to say, Long Zhen and Feng San were Chef's parents. Apart from Bai Ze, there was also Supreme Divinity Hongyu. Bai Ze said that he was made out of the clear lotuses in the beginning of creation. He was the only vegetation spirit that turned into a divine being. He was absolutely pure and had nothing to fight for in this world. That was how he became the only divine being that survived from the ancient times. Ordinarily, his only hobby was to organise sermons. Over 90 percent of the divine beings in the Divine World had heard his sermons before.

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