First Day Of Camp

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Lou Arrives At Camp* Ok Everything Will Be Ok...
Emma:Hey Lou We're Here!
Lou:Hey! Thanks For Coming!
Emma:Of Course Lou!
Zuri:Glad We Can Help
Xander:We Can't Wait For This Summer!
Lou: before the campers Are going to arrive we need all the counselors that we have-
Ava:I'm Here.
The rest of the counselors show up*
Lou:Ok So I want this summer to be the best summer yet. So any ideas to kick off the summer?
Emma:Ooooh! How About A Summer Kickoff Dance!
Lou:A Kickoff Dance? I Mean You Sure The Campers Would Like That?
Emma:Yea! A Lot Of Campers Never Got A Dance.
Lou:Fair Point.
Emma:It Will Be Great!
Emma:And Anyone Can Ask Anyone.
Lou:That Works.
The Campers Arrive*
Lou:Tiffany! Been A While!
Tiffany: sorry I couldn't come For the last two summers... mother was being insane saying that I have to prepare for High school... like I wasn't already prepared!
Lou:That Sounds Like Her
Tiffany: like I understand... being a teenager is complicated especially For A 15-year-old
Lou:Yea It Was. Now I'm 22...Oh boy saying that out loud really complicates things...
*Jorge Poops In A Canoe And Comes Over* hey Lou I pooped in the canoe I hope Gladys doesn't mind-
Lou: actually She's No longer the camp director So now it's my problem...
Jorge:Oh Oops
Zuri:GRIFF! Runs And Hugs Him*
Griff:Oooh! I was not expecting that to be a really tight hug... Hey Zuri!
Zuri: i've missed you so much you've grown so much!
Griff: well I'm 15 what Do you expect?
Zuri:That's Fair.
Griff:But How Have You Been?
Zuri:Good, I was stuck at home well actually I was helping out my dad and I managed to sell celebrities hair online.
Griff: I don't know why you would want to do that but last summer sounded productive for you. I didn't do much except for stay home with Xander, I never knew family dinners existed!
Zuri: you learn something new every day.
Destiny:OMG ZURI!
Zuri:DESTINY! *Hugs Her* griff this is destiny destiny Griff.
Destiny: Nice to meet you Griff!
Griff:You Too!
Finn:Hey Everyone!
Destiny:Hey Finn!
Emma: Woah Finn  your voice Has changed so much since I last saw you!
Finn: yeah it's called puberty.
Matteo:Hey Everyone!
Destiny:Hey Matteo!
Lou: welcome back campers this is the first day of camp! So we have a couple of announcements for you! First announcement Is Most of our counselors have moved on to camp champion because they pay more, so please welcome some former counselors the Rosses and Xander! In other news on Friday there is the summer kickoff dance it's an event to start off the summer. anyone could ask anyone to the Dance. And in other news There is a mosquito squirm spreading around the Area so keep a watch out for mosquitoes. That's all I Have For  today have a great day.
Tiffany:Hey Lou what cabin am I am this year am I still a woodchuck or?
Lou: I really don't want to ruin your summer but woodchuck Is Completely Full you're going to be in bobcat this year.
Lou: sorry Tiffany I know how you were looking forward to being in Woodchuck again. But Emma Is The  counselor for  bobcat.
Tiffany:Oh Ok!

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