How it All Started

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12 year old Josie and Lizzie Saltzman had just finshed school and Lizzie suggested they do dark magic and after much convincing Josie agreed. Are you sure this is a simple mind spell (IDK just go with them using a mind spell) yes Lizzie said. They went out to the old mill after getting all the necessary ingredients they also brought there necklaces there mom gave them of her blood in case anything ever happened and began to say the spell. "Dis El Brav Scores Decante" Lizzie and Josie chanted and before they knew it everything went dark.

"Where are we... "Josie said just then she spotted her sister on the ground Lizzie wake up Josie called. "What where are we jo" Lizzie said "I don't know but i don't think where in mystic falls anymore" Josie replied. "No really?" Lizzie answered with a sarcastic tone. "Wait what's that in the distance" Josie asked "No it can't be...can it?" Lizzie asked "It look like hogwarts from the Harry Potter books, we should enter and see if anyone there can tell us where exactly we are" Josie said. As they entered the place it seemed more and more like hogwart, as they where walking they bumped into someone. "Why hello there and who may you two be?" Dumbledore asked. The twin exchanged glances of shock they knew exactly where they where the question is how?

Sorry if it's not good this is my first time writing a fan fiction or any story so sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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Josie and Lizzie Saltzman in HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now