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(Hey so dis is gonna be like a diary sorta thing and I won't update a lot bc I'm boring but I'll update on juicy drama at school or online or something good.)

Hey so today after school my mom picked me up and told me that when we get home I have to fing my brothers baseball sock because my brother had his first baseball game today and my sister has basketball practice.So we get home and my mom just starts yelling for no reason.Then I find his sock.So we're waiting for my dad to come pick my brother up.Then my mom realizes that my sisters Fitbit is gone so she asks where it it she says it in an "About to yell" tone.My sister says that she lost it.My mom starts screaming at her then asks when she lost it and my sister says Idk.Then my mom asks if it was before spring break and my sister says yes.So Then my mom whops my sister even harder.So then my dad was almost home and so we finished getting ready.Then my 4 (remember he 4 ) year old brother starts to quickly take off his pants that has a belt that takes forever to get on.Then my mom starts screaming and telling him to come here.So he goes to her and she immediately starts grabbing his arms and shaking him saying how much she hates him or something.(have u ever had one of those moments where u get so scared or excited that u pee?This is what happens if u do it around my mom.)So due to the shock he starts peeing and he can't stop.So then she starts shaking and grabbing him even more while saying "ARE YOU PEEING!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then he starts crying while I just stood there in shock thinking "Why would a mother do this?"and "I want to help him but I'm too scared to."So then she runs him to the bathroom and it was too late bc he had already finished so she yells at me to take his clothes off and then she went to call my dad.She exaggerated saying she was yelling at my sister for loosing her Fitbit and then turns to my brother and he started peeing and laughing.So then she starts saying the usual when she's mad the good old I hate y'all.Then my dad gets home pissed then my mom starts exaggerating again and then he said he's done with her screaming and he's tired of her messing up his kids.So then I tell him what really happened and then my mom started calling me a liar (which he already knew why my brother peed.) Then he lost it and started hitting my mom while me and my sister were just huddled up crying then they leave to their room my brother was across the hall and rand to me while still crying.Eventually everything calmed down.But i still won't change my mind.I hate my mother.

Comment any thoughts (good thoughts no bad thoughts)on dis or anything u can relate to or comment what ever u was nothing mean tho.

P.s if ur wondering why I'm telling complete strangers on wattpad about dis it's bc my dad told me to not tell anyone even my therapist because him and my mom are trying to help her get into shape so she can feel better.She's like really fat and he said it's in my Jeans to become fat and angry.Btw he doesn't think all fat people are angry and abusive just some people who act like my mom.

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