"Yes," Edward proudly said. "This is Juliette, my daughter. And of course not, darling. We will catch up later."

"So you're the Juliette?" Christian nodded, impressed. "Your dad always talks about you, but I had no idea you worked at Mercedes. Nice to finally meet you."

Juliette looked at her dad and raised her eyebrows.

Edward awkwardly laughed. "Just a proud dad," he explained and forced a bright smile on his face. "But try to slow down a bit today, yeh? We want to win."

Her face straightened. "You try to be faster, old man." Juliette got up and padded Edward's shoulder. "Red Bull had The Red Bull ring, Mercedes gets Silverstone," she confidently smiled. "Bye, Christian." She gave Christian a nod, and she walked back to her own garage. As soon she was out of sight, her smile disappeared. Pierre with a child...

"You look so lost," Delilah said when she found Juliette in the garage. "You good?"

Juliette nodded and took a deep breath. "It's just... I had a weird dream, and it felt so real. I'm just perplexed and forming a panic attack every minute of the day. I'm freaking out."

"So you go to Red Bull and chill with them?" Delilah rose her eyebrow. "Because you had a weird dream?"

"Delilah," Juliette hissed, disapproving.

Delilah threw her arms up in the air and looked sorry at Juliette. "My apologies."

"Promise me you won't tell anyone about it," Juliette said strictly and looked around her, there was almost no one around. The dream had to be shared, but she let out the part of her mother. She started to talk about her dream. "...I had to say something to my dad, and I saw Pierre, he had a child in his arms and he was talking to him, like in an adorable way. I just freaked out, because of my dream."

"Damn, Julie. Pierre is really taking over your mind. How even did your mind come up with this?"

An awkward giggle rolled over Juliette's lips. "I honestly feel like I'm a hopeless teen again. I don't want him spooking around in my mind. I can only think of the chat I had with him Thursday and seeing him around the track every time. My nephew Alfie was here yesterday to be my biggest fan...so a child."

Delilah's eyes widened. "You talked to Pierre?"

"No, well, yes. But it was very uncomfortable. I bumped into him while he was doing his round with Anthoine, and we just...I don't know, it was so awkward."

"Oh, ow, you're making progress. Did you maybe have unsafe sex lately?" Delilah tried to find all the possible causes of the dream. It must be something that was bothering Juliette in her mind. "Honestly, I noticed you were acting a bit off all day long. But as soon we started working, you fully switched to work mode, like nothing was wrong."

Juliette was shaking her head. "I haven't had sex in months, so no."

"Let me look this up," Delilah grinned and grabbed her phone. "It's adorable. Anyway, this site says when you dream about a baby, it means innocence, warmth and a new start. Perhaps there is a new love in your life, or you're developing a new love, or you're getting new friends and new interests," she read from a website. "Does this mean Pierre is your new love?" She was wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut the front door, Delilah," Juliette shot to her. "This doesn't mean anything. I'm in a new environment, new close colleagues..."

"And you see Pierre every day," Delilah continued. "Is Juliette in love?"

"Go fuck yourself," Juliette said, annoyed and turned away, logging off from the computer and got herself ready to catch the last fifteen minutes of the lunch break.

Delilah teasingly laughed. "Just saying." Her face straightened. "But if you feel a panic attack coming up, you tell me. Tell Peter about it, and Toto, they need to be notified."

"Yeh, don't worry."

When the two women left the garage, making the garage empty. Everybody was looking forward to the race; fans, staff, drivers. Most of the staff came from England, so it made Silverstone a home race for many.

Juliette and Delilah entered the hospitality and picked up a quick lunch. They both joined the table of the engineers.

"Hey, err... I have some symptoms of a panic attack. It comes, and it goes. But just to let you know, if I'm losing my shit, it's a panic attack," Juliette informed Peter and Toto.

Toto nodded but looked worriedly at one of his engineers. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, no worries about me. I'm fine. Just a few symptoms: blushing, fast heart rate and stuff. It's not all the time, I had it this morning, not anymore. Just to let you know." Juliette weakly smiled and put her hair in a new French twist.

"So if you start to snap your knuckles or pluck the skin on your hand, I have to intervene," Peter noted. She frowned. "I know you longer than today, Julie."


"Thank you for letting me know," Toto said thankfully. "Keep me posted on the situation. We need you today."

Juliette nodded. "Of course," she smiled. "It will be a race to remember," she said and took a sip from her water. "In a positive way, of course."

Hopelessly Devoted ☆ Pierre GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now