"Eh? The ice can blow bubbles?" Is it made out of soap?

"Don't go over! It's the Thousand Blade Array!" Xun Shu frowned and stopped the three of them. "I did not think that a place like that would contain the Thousand Blade Array. These look like bubbles, but they're made out of immortal Qi that has condensed so that it cannot ever be destroyed. Each bubble contains a burst of sword Qi. If you touch it, you might be trapped inside it. It can also absorb any kind of attack. We had better walk around... Eh, what are you doing?"

Just as he was speaking, Yi Qing drew his sword and walked right toward the bubbles. "Wait! ordinary swordsmanship is not strong enough to break..."

Before he could finish speaking, he sensed the immortal Qi around Yi Qing's body began to surge. His entire body emitted golden light which condensed together to form an enormous sword. There was an explosion of sword Qi as he raised his hand. A loud crash was followed by the sound of a thick cloth being ripped apart. All the bubbles and the ice on the ground began to crack into little pieces. The Thousand Blade Array fell apart immediately.

It's broke... broken!

(⊙ o ⊙)

That's... way too fast, isn't it? Wasn't it said that the bubbles can absorb any kind of attack? It's freaking messing with me.

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"My master says one strong man can overcome ten!" Yi Qing explained, seeming to have sensed that Xun Shu being extremely confused. He then faced Shen Ying and said, "Master, we can move on now."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work!" Shen Ying nodded. Unmoved, she walked over the broken pieces on the floor.

Xun Shu: "..."

Lonemoon patted his shoulder with a knowing look. "It'll get better as you get used to it!" They're just a big cheat and a mini cheat. You've already seen the big cheat, haven't you? Why should you make a fuss out of the mini one?

They walked in a single file toward the inside of the volcano. For a long while, all they saw was darkness. The pathway was filled with dust, as if no one had been in there for a long time.

Lonemoon flicked his wrist and conjured a fire seal to light up the walkway. As they walked, he looked around for raw materials, wondering where would be a good place for them to stop and dig.

Unfortunately, while the path was old and worn, it was clearly meticulously designed. Everything around was arranged so neatly; there wasn't even a side road to be found. It had no business value whatsoever. As they got closer and closer to the inside of the volcano, the walls became smoother and the pathway broadened. It looked as though the volcano had been dug empty. They reached a vast space scattered with stone pillars. They could not see the end of the space from where they were standing. It was hard to estimate exactly how big the inside of the volcano was.

"Be careful!" Xun Shu exclaimed. He ran forward and pulled Lonemoon, who was right in front, backward.

They heard a ding, and an immortal sword landed tip first on the ground in front of Lonemoon.

Lonemoon jumped. "What happened?"

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No sooner was the question out of his mouth did the immortal sword begin to shake in its place, as if they activated a switch. All around, immortal swords appeared, revolving around the same spot to form a cyclone of swords. A great burst of sword Qi charged toward them.

The few of them had no choice but to retreat. They saw a few flashes of light and then the entire surroundings lit up. Only then were they able to see what exactly was happening.

.E (1-704)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz