Wei WuXian huffed and then smiled seeing his A-Diē get up to leave. But Hua Cheng did not leave, he leaned closer to Xie Lian and kissed him on the lips making Wei WuXian groan.

"I'm still here.
Can I open my eyes now? "

Wei WuXian asked after sometime while slowly removing the hands covering his eyes. As soon as Wei WuXian opened his eyes  he received a kiss on the corner of his eyes from his A-Diē, making him giggle. .

"San Lang cook for us, will you? "

"If Gege says so. "

Hua Cheng stood up and walked away. Wei WuXian gasped dramatically looking offended as he said.

"Come on, I even said please. Picking favorites. Hmph"

Hua Cheng smirked at his pouting son and left the bedroom. Wei WuXian huffed a laugh and snuggled closer. He said sleepily.

"Baba~  it's so nice. You know?"


Wei WuXian lifting his head up slightly and looked at his Baba. He smiled showing his bunny teeth and said very seriously .



Xie Lian asked with curious eyes and still smiling face.' Don't tell me you already figured it out. ' Wei WuXian smiled and said.

"Your Love. I love watching your love."

"Awe baby. It's better with you here. "

Within an hour the food was ready and the three of them sat at the table to eat. Wei WuXian ate his food so fast that people will think that he was starving for a month.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian looked at their son with concern seeing him gulping down the soup hungrily. 'Did he really starve the last month? '

"Baby, slow down."

"Ma~ You don't understand this is heavan. Muah."

Wei WuXian replied giving a flying kiss to Hua Cheng and then continued to devour his food and licking his fingers. Hua Cheng smiled then said with a smug face.

"Wrong. This is The Ghost City. "

"Ha... So funny. Is that the best you could do?"

Wei WuXian retorted placing his chopsticks on the table and leaning closer. Hua Cheng opened his mouth only to close it after seeing Xie Lian's stern gaze. Xie Lian sighed looking at both his husband and son. He said with a sly smile while sipping tea.

"Hey. No bickering at the table. Or both of you will be sleeping on your own rooms. "

"Baba~ don't. "


Wei WuXian picked up a teleportation tailsman while his fathers' watched him. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng were sad because their son had to leave for Gusu and that too so early in the morning.

"Baby, it's just four in the morning. Do you have to go now? "

"Ba, in Cloud Recesses everyone wakes up at five. If I don't go now they'll find out that I'm missing. "

Xie Lian did not reply to that and Hua Cheng hugged him from behind pulling him closer to his chest. Wei WuXian fumbled with tailsman for sometime, then he sighed and said with a smile.

"How about this. Both of you come with me. We have one hour, I'll show you around Cloud Recesses before anyone wakes up. "

Both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng smiled and nodded readily making Wei WuXian laugh. Xie Lian quickly started drawing the distance shortening array on their bedroom door. The three of them walked through the door holding hands.

They entered Wei WuXian's room in disciples quarters in Cloud Recesses. Wei WuXian threw his bag onto his bed and pulled his fathers out of the cottage room into the moonlit courtyard.

"Lan Zhan caught me on that wall...
This! THIS is the wall of rules.....
There is the Library Pavilion.... "

Wei WuXian showed them around all of Cloud Recesses until they heard the morning bell and they went back to his room. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng kissed Wei WuXian on both cheeks and hugged him goodbye.

"Take care A-Xian. Talk to us in the evening okay. "

Huw Cheng said as they disappeared behind the door. Wei WuXian waved at them and then went to get ready for the day.


"Jiang-Xiong, do you think Wei-Xiong is in trouble."

"It will be a surprise if he is not in any trouble. I haven't seen him after he came from the Library pavilion. He must've angered Lan Wangji."

"What about his room? "

"Not in his room and he missed dinner too."

"Let's search some more before curfew."

Jiang Cheng and Nie Huisang walked around Cloud Recesses at night searching for Wei WuXian. Unknown to them Lan Wangji heard their conversation and frowned. 'Did he really leave because I told him to get lost? '

Lan Wangji walked towards the Lan disciple in night patrol. 'If he comes back at night and get caught, he will be punished again. ' Lan Wangji bowed to the disciple and said.

"You can retire for the night. I will take over. "

"Yes, Lan-Er-Gongzi. "

Lan Wangji walked around Cloud Recesses and there was no sign of Wei WuXian. It was almost midnight and Lan Wangji found himself on the wall where he first met Wei WuXian. The full moon hung above reminding him more about that night.

Lan Wangji was watching the moon with his hands clasped behind his back when he heard footsteps approaching. He was getting ready to recite the rule at Wei WuXian. ' The very first line I said: Those who return after curfew will not be allowed ....'



Lan Wangji turned around to see his brother staring at him with a smile. He got off the wall and walked side by side with Lan Xichen. As Lan Xichen went to Hanshi after wishing him good night, Lan Wangji walked back to Jingshi alone. 'Did he leave without goodbye? '

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