The Hero's Return

Start from the beginning

"But we can hear you though, Knuckle." Josuke sighed.

"Run away!"

"I'm not letting any of you girls get away! You're mine! Yummy! Licky, licky, licky!" The monster yelled as he strikes his tongue on a beautiful woman but until he hits someone's hat away and it turns to be King.

"King?!" Everyone asked.

"Yeah! Speaking of the one who has a hero figurine of himself!" Uvogin exclaimed.

"Show them the power, King!" Phinks exclaimed.

"Now the monster will be crushed into atoms with King on the scene now!" Erika said.

"Too many expectations..." Jiren uttered.

"Will turn into disappointments later on..." Josuke mumbled under his breath.

"What a shame he meets an S-Class hero!" Hanji said.

"Beat that ugly monster's tongue out and rip it!!" Oluo yelled.

"Jeez, that startled me!" Tongue Stretcher said.

*King Engine roars*

"Ah! The King Engine's now heating up!" Jean said.

"I can't wait to see that monster piss in his pants in fear!" Connie added.

"Please... Stop..." Josuke uttered.

"Th-This vibe... That face... H-He's no ordinary guy!" Tongue Stretcher uttered in fear.

'Man... I want to quit being a hero.' King narrated.

"Wait, what?" Machi asked as everyone was surprised to hear King saying he wants to quit being a hero.

"Did my ears deceived me or he just said that right?" Eren asked.

"Yes, you heard it right, Eren." Mikasa nodded.

"Quitting on his work of being a hero...? Why?" Armin asked.

"Wait, wait, wait! How can the strongest want to quit just like that?! Hah! Maybe because he is tired to terrify the monsters out with his King Engine! That should be it!" Uvogin exclaimed.

"I guess not..." Tatsuya said.

"This is getting strange now..." Ymir uttered.

"That guy's the strongest hero in the world!"

"It's King!"

"I knew I saw you somewhere! You're the legendary..." Tongue Stretcher uttered.

"He'll stomp you in a single blow!"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"King! King! King! King! King! King!" Every citizen cheered on King who gives an ominous aura to the monster.

"I-I-I'm terribly sorry for what I've done!" Tongue Stretcher quickly apologized and groveled on the ground.

"Hah! Serves you right!" Phinks said.

"But he hasn't done anything yet on the monster. What do you mean?" Pakunoda asked.

"Just shut it and cheer!" Phinks yelled.

"I can smell something fishy around here." Feitan said.

"Three cheers for King!"

"You pervert!"

"You're the worst." The victims menacingly said.

"Those three women are pretty though." Leorio said.

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