Host x Y/N

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Summary- You’d never seen the Host have a vision before. From all the stories though, they weren’t pleasant for anyone involved and nothing could really be done to help him other than wait it out. One of these things was about to change.

The first time you'd seen the Host have a vision he'd been in the middle of talking to you. Of course you'd heard about them before. The Host warned you about them himself more than once. It wasn't a pretty sight or so he told you. He had insisted you just go and get the doctor if you ever found him like that.

"And just leave you there?" You'd asked at the time.

The Host had given you a wane smile. "It's nothing he hasn't dealt with before," he reassured you.

When it happened you were in his library. The Host was talking, shelving some books in the meantime. You were looking through one when he choked mid-sentence.

"Host?" You called out. When you didn't get an answer you were out of your seat in the next instant.

You found him huddled in between the shelves. Curled up in a ball, he was pulling at his hair hard and mumbling frenzied words. Your knees stung as you hit the floor beside him.

"Host? Hey, can you hear me?" You gently grabbed him by the shoulders so you didn't startle him. He didn't even seem to notice. You could feel a feverish heat even through the fabric of his coat.

Nothing he was saying made any sense. It was just jumbled words and sobs and you realized what this was. Biting your lip, you glanced towards the door. You knew you needed Dr. Iplier but you had no other option than actually going to get him yourself. The thought of leaving the Host like this made your stomach turn. He was breaking apart in front of you, piece by piece. You squeezed his shoulders even though it didn't make either of you feel better.

"Okay, Host, I- I'm going to get Doc for you, okay?" You were forcing calm into your tone. "I'm gonna be right back."

The Host showed no signs he'd heard you. If anything, his hands clenched tighter. Luckily for you, the doctor's office was practically right next door.

"I'll be right back," you repeated before sprinting out the door.

Later, when Edward had checked the Host out and managed to move him to a couch, you couldn't stop staring. The Host had bled straight through his bandages. Though he was breathing easy now, dressings changed and all, it'd taken entirely too long to get him there.

You jumped as Edward put a hand on your shoulder.

"There's nothing more you could've done." Edward didn't continue until you'd actually looked at him. "He'll be fine."

You nodded, trying to believe him. "How often do these happen?"

Edward heaved a sigh. "The ones that he deigns to tell me about? Maybe every other week."

You felt oddly numb at that, like someone had hollowed you out without you noticing. This was the first you'd seen him have a vision. How many other times did the Host hide? You took a breath and nodded again, not quite knowing what else to do.

"Have him come see me when he wakes up." Edward patted you on the shoulder. "Try to get some rest yourself."

"I will," you lied.

Satisfied, the doctor strode out of the room. Which left just you and the Host. Your eyes burnt and you took a breath or two, squeezing your eyes shut. That didn't make it go away. You clamped a hand over your eyes, trying to keep yourself together. For the Host’s sake, at least.

The Host grunted. You looked up as he froze for a moment before his breath started to pick up.

"Host? Hey, I'm here," you said and this time he flinched.

Hand trembling, he reached out, grasping at the air between the two of you. You moved to meet him halfway. Edward had said earlier that visions usually left the Host weak afterwards. You were taken off guard then when the Host practically yanked you into him, pressing you close.

For a long while he clung to you and shuddered, completely silent. You held him right back.

The Host cleared his throat. "He's sorry they had to see that," he said, voice rough.

You shook your head. "Don't apologize. You can't control this kind of thing."

That only had him tightening his hold on you.


"He saw them," the Host said fervently. "In- in the vision. The Host saw them."

You froze. At this point you'd heard enough about the kind of things the Host saw to know what he meant. A sick sort of understanding washed over you then.

"Host, I'm so sorry," you said because you had nothing else to say.

The Host swallowed. "What if one day he- he wakes up and they don't?" He shook his head. "The Host doesn't think he can do that again. He doesn’t think he can see that again.”

"I'm not going anywhere," you were quick to reassure him.

"They can't promise that."

"You said yourself the visions aren't set in stone. It's not going to happen."

His chest shook as he took another breath.

"The Host is so tired of this," the words started to shake at the end, his fists clenching in the fabric of your shirt.

"It's okay to cry," you said and that was all it took.

The Host practically curled into you, face pressed into the crook of your shoulder. Even though he shook, he was near silent the entire time. All you could do was hold him. You held him and closed your eyes, heart twisting and trying to keep your own tears in. The Host needed some support and that, you knew, was all that you could do for him.

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